outbreak in, 102.
Malone, Rev. Father Sylvester, 281.
Manchester, Cavendish Chapel, 348.
Manderson, Senator, 256;
his Bill for the arbitration of strikes, 172.
Mangam, Mrs. Daniel, 420.
Manning, Daniel, his death, 200.
Marietta, Ohio, 317.
Marriages, number of elopements, 137.
Martin, Mrs. Bradley, 261.
Martin, Pauline E., 234.
Mathews, Charles, his death, 85;
story of, 85.
Matthews, T.E., 286.
McAdam, Judge David, 224.
McCauley, Jerry, 136.
McCormick, Cyrus, 194.
McDonald, Senator, 261.
McElroy, Dr., 187.
McGlynn, Father, 191.
McKean, John, 125.
McKinley, President, his congratulations, 284;
election, 306;
friendship with Dr. Talmage, 330;
assassination, 409.
McLean, Alexander, 233.
McLean, Andrew, 241.
McLeod, Rev. Donald, installed pastor of the First Presbyterian
Church in Washington, 341.
Mead, W.D., 269.
Memphis, 339.
Mendes, Rabbi F. De Sol, 281.
Merigens, George T., 38.
Mershon, Rev. S.L., 57, 274.
Mexico, 416.
Michigan, 339, 409.
Middlebrook, New Jersey, 1.
Minado, 320.
Ministers, amount of salaries, in the United States, 63.
Minneapolis, 99.
Mitchell, Dr., 120.
Mitford, 108.
Modjeska, Mdme., 332.
Moliere, the comedian, 72.
Monona Lake, 273.
Monroe Doctrine, 304.
Montauk Point, purchase of, 99.
Montreal, 326.
Moore, Charles A., 224.
Moore, DeWitt, 39, 43.
Morey, forgeries, 106.
Morrisey, John, 69.
Moscow, 374.
Mott, Lucretia, the quakeress, 106.
Munich, 375.
Murphy, Mr., 207.
Nagle, Dr., 224.
Nansen, the explorer, 365.
Napier, Lord, his story of a wounded soldier, 239.
Nashville, 339.
Neilson, Judge Joseph, 133, 193, 204.
New, Mrs., 261.
New Brunswick Theological Seminary, 15.
New Orleans, 340, 415, 418;
victory, 8.
New York, corrupt condition, 64; 69;
spread of Communism, 83;
Historical Society, gift to the library, 109;
Passion Play, attempt to present, 121;
pool rooms opened, 147;
conflagration of 1835, 231;
revival meetings, 407.
New York University, 14.
"New York," 258.
Newark, 19.
Newspaper reporter, day with a, 211-220.
Newspapers, reduction in the price, 123.
Newstead Abbey, 349.
Newton, Lady, 361.
Newton, Sir Alfred, Lord Mayor, 361.
Nichols, Governor, 81.
Nicols, Rev. Dr. S.J., at the funeral of Dr. Talmage, 422.
Nightingale, Florence, note from, 359;
receives Dr. Talmage, 360.
North Cape, view from, of the Midnight Sun, 365, 366.
North River, first steamer, 8.
Northern Pacific Railroad Co., 126.
Nottingham, 260;