, alas! oh cruel rule! No faithful
shepherdess is to be seen, And that inconstant sex, much too
unworthy, Must renounce love eternally.
FIRST MAN: Pleasing ardor!
WOMAN: Happy liberty!
SECOND MAN: Deceitful woman!
FIRST MAN: How precious you are to me!
WOMAN: How you please my heart!
SECOND MAN: How horrible you are to me!
FIRST MAN: Ah, leave, for love, that mortal hate!
WOMAN: We can, we can show you a faithful shepherdess!
SECOND MAN: Alas! Where to find her?
WOMAN: In order to defend our reputation, I want to offer you my
FIRST MAN: But, shepherdess, can I believe That it will not be
WOMAN: We'll see through experience, Who of the two loves best.
SECOND MAN: Who lacks constancy, May the gods destroy!
ALL THREE: With ardors so beautiful Let us be inflamed! Ah, how
sweet it is to love, When two hearts are faithful!
MONSIEUR JOURDAIN: I find it well-done, and there are some pretty
enough sayings in it.
DANCING MASTER: Here, for my presentation, is a little display of
the loveliest movements and the most beautiful attitudes with which
a dance can possibly be varied.
MONSIEUR JOURDAIN: Are these shepherds too?
DANCING MASTER: They're whatever you please. Let's go! (Four
dancers execute all the different movements and all the kinds of
steps that the Dancing Master commands; and this dance makes the
First Interlude.)
SCENE I (Monsieur Jourdain, Music Master, Dancing Master, Lackeys)
MONSIEUR JOURDAIN: That's not all that bad, and those people there
hop around well.
MUSIC MASTER: When the dance is combined with the music, it will
have even better effect, and you will see something quite good in
the little ballet we have prepared for you.
MONSIEUR JOURDAIN: That's for later, when the person I ordered all
this for is to do me the honor of coming here to dine.
DANCING MASTER: Everything is ready.
MUSIC MASTER: However, sir, this is not enough. A person like you,
who lives magnificently, and who are inclined towards fine things,
should have a concert of music here every Wednesday or every
MONSIEUR JOURDAIN: Is that what people of quality do?
MONSIEUR JOURDAIN: Then I'll have them. Will it be fine?
MUSIC MASTER: Without doubt. You must have three voices--a tenor,
a soprano, and a bass, who will be accompanied by a bass-viol