ular Kirks_ within Presbyteries; It is
thought expedient that it be once every year, wherein a care is to be had,
among other things necessary, that it bee tryed, how domestick exercises
of Religion be exercised in particular families, and to see what means
there is in every Parish in Landward, for catechising and instructing the
_The Assembly alloweth this article._
IV. Anent the _visitation of Kirks, Schooles, and Colledges_: It is
thought meet that the acts of Assembly holden at _Edinburgh_ the 25. of
_Junie_ 1565. Sess. 2. be put in execution: that the Ministers of the
parochin, the Principall, _Regents_, and _professours_ within Colledges,
and _Masters_, and Doctors of Schooles, be tryed concerning the soundnesse
of their judgement in matters of Religion, their abilitie, for discharge
of their calling, and the honesty of their conversation: as the act of
Assembly at _Edinburgh_, _Juni 21. 1567._ Sess. 3. And the act of the
Assembly holden at _Montrose_. 1595. Sess. 9. do import: and this
visitation of Colledges to be by way of commission from the generall
_The generall Assembly alloweth this article._
V. Anent _none residents_: It is thought necessary, that every Minister be
oblished to reside in his own Parochin at his ordinarie Manse, for the
better attending of the duties of his calling, conforme to the Acts of
Assemblies, viz. act of Assembly at _Edinburgh_, _March 24. 1595._ Sess.
7. as also act at _Edinburgh_, _December 25. 1563._ Sess. 5. and Assembly
at _Edinburgh_, _December 25. 1565._ Sess. 4. Assembly at _Edinburgh_,
_March 6. 1572._ Sess. 3.
_The Assembly alloweth this article._
VI. Anent the _planting of Schools in Landward_, the want whereof doth
greatly prejudge the grouth of the Gospel and procure the decay of
Religion: The Assembly giveth direction to several Presbyteries for the
setling of Schooles in every Landward Parochin, and providing of men able
for the charge of teaching of the youth, publick reading and precenting of
the Psalme, and the catechising of the common people, and that means be
provided for their intertainment, in the most convenient manner that may
be had, according to the abilitie of the Parochin.
_The Assembly alloweth; and referreth the particular course unto the
severall Presbyteries._
VII. Anent the late _admission of Ministers by Presbyteries_, and the
_choise of Moderatours_, according to the ancient power of the said
Presbyteries: The A