Moab_ reported unto _Balack_, that _Balaam_
refused to goe with them. But our comfort is, That Truth is the daughter
of time, and although calumnie often starteth first, and runneth before,
yet Veritie followeth her at the heels, and possesseth her self in noble
and royall hearts: where base calumnie cannot long finde place. And our
confidence is, that your Majestie with that worthie King, will keep one
eare shut against all the obloquies of men; and with that more wise King,
who when he gave a proofe that the wisedome of GOD was in him to doe
judgement, would have both parties to stand before him at once: that
hearing them equally, they might speed best, and go out most chearfully
from his Majesties face, who had the best cause. When your Majesties
wisedome hath searched all the secrets of this Assembly, let us be reputed
the worst of all men, according to the aspersions whith partialitie would
put upon us, let us be the most miserable of all men to the full
satisfaction of the vindictive malice of our adversaries, let us by the
whole world bee judged of all men the most unworthie to breath any more in
this your Majesties Kingdome, if the cause that we maintaine, and have
been prosecuting, shall be found any other, but that we desire that the
Majestie of GOD, who is our fear and our dread, be served, and his house
ruled, according to his owne will; if we have not carried along with us in
all Sessions of our Assemblie, a most humble and loyall respect to your
Majesties honour, which next unto the honour of the living GOD, lyeth
nearest our hearts; if we have not keeped our selves within the limits of
our reformation, without debording or reflecting upon the constitution of
other reformed Kirks, unto which wee heartily wish all truth and peace,
and by whose sound judgement and Christian affection we certainly look to
be approven; if we have not failed rather by lenitie then by rigour in
censuring of delinquents, never exceeding the rules and lines prescribed,
and observed by this Kirk, and if (whatsoever men minding themselves,
suggest to the contrary) the government and discipline of this Kirk,
subscribed and sworn before, and now acknowledged by the unanimous consent
of this Assembly, shall not bee found to serve for the advancement of the
Kindome of CHRIST, for procuring all duetifull obedience to your Majestie,
in this your Kingdome, and great riches and glorie to your Crown, for
peace to us, your Majesties loyall subje