in" is not
intended at 304.49:2)
2 (Whether through swiftness of his speedy beast
3 Or knowledge of those woods where he did dwell)
4 That shortly he from danger was released,
5 And out of sight escaped at the least;
at the least > at any rate, at all events; _some editors gloss this
as_ at the last, at last_: cf. 305.37:9, 305.43:8_
6 Yet not escaped from the due reward
7 Of his bad deeds, which daily he increased,
8 Nor ceased not, till him oppressed hard
oppressed > took by surprise; overwhelmed
9 The heavy plague that for such lechers is prepared.
heavy > grievous
plague > blow, stroke (see 305.23; also, noted by Hamilton (1980),
possibly a reference to venereal disease)
For soone as he was vanisht out of sight,
2 His coward courage gan emboldned bee,
And cast t'auenge him of that fowle despight,
4 Which he had borne of his bold enimee.
Tho to his brethren came: for they were three
6 Vngratious children of one gracelesse sire,
And vnto them complained, how that he
8 Had vsed bene of that foolehardy Squire;
So them with bitter words he stird to bloudy ire.
1 For, soon as he was vanished out of sight,
soon > [as soon]
2 His coward courage began emboldened be,
courage > heart, spirit
be > [to be]
3 And cast to avenge him of that foul despite
cast > [he] resolved
despite > {Outrage, act of defiance}
4 Which he had borne of his bold enemy.
of > from
5 Tho to his brethren came: for they were three
Tho > Then
brethren > brothers
6 Ungracious children of one graceless sire,
Ungracious > {Lacking in heavenly grace; ungracious}
sire > father
7 And to them complained how he
8 Had used been of that foolhardy squire;
of > by
9 So them with bitter words he stirred to bloody ire.
Forthwith themselues with their sad instruments
2 Of spoyle and murder they gan arme byliue,
And with him forth into the forest went,
4 To wreake the wrath, which he did earst reuiue
In their sterne brests, on him which late did driue
6 Their brother to reproch and shamefull flight:
For they had vow'd, that neuer he aliue
8 Out of that forest should escape their might;
Vile rancour their rude harts had fild with such despight.
1 Forthwith themselves with their sad instruments
sad > grievous (cf. 105.6:5)
2 Of spoil and murder they gan arm belive,