of letters in words, 120.
Spain, illiterate communities of, 28, 29.
Spanish, language, 144;
spelling, 147.
Spectacles, a measure of civilization, 120.
Spedding, James, at Cambridge University, 139.
Spelling, Milton gave metric hints by, 18;
"Orthographic reform," 145-151.
Spenser, Edmund, Hazlitt on, 142;
his spelling, 149;
Lamb would say grace before reading the "Fairy Queen," 77;
Milton's spiritual kinship to, 72.
Standardization of book sizes, 26, 27.
Sterne, Laurence, a favorite edition of, 24.
Stevens, Henry, "A constructive critic of the book," 38-43;
detects a misprint, 156;
his "My English library," 39;
his "Recollections of Mr. James Lenox," 38, _footnote_.
Stevenson, Robert Louis, on Hazlitt, 141.
Stoddard, Richard Henry, on Cervantes and Shakespeare, 70.
Storage of books, _see_ Bigness, Thickness, Thinness.
Strassburg Cathedral, as a product of genius, 65.
"Student, The, and the Library," 139-144.
Study, art of, 166, 167.
Success, won by knowledge, 30.
Swedish spelling, 148.
Sweynheym and Pannartz, grandeur in their work, 4.
TASTE, _see_ Esthetics.
Tauchnitz editions, compared with Little Classic editions, 26.
Tennyson, Alfred, and his brothers at Cambridge University, 139;
inappropriate edition of his "Life," 11;
a novel reader, 107.
Tests, of the utility of the book, 115;
of type, 120-127.
Thackeray, William Makepeace, at Cambridge University, 139;
on reading him, 143;
quoted, 11;
works in illegible print, 130.
Theocritus, as characterized by Mrs. Browning, 68.
Thickness, in books, esthetic effect of, 23, 25;
"Thick paper and thin," 92-96.
Thinness, in books, esthetic effect of, 23;
"Thick paper and thin," 92-96.
Thompson, Francis, indicated caesura by an asterisk, 18.
Thomson, James, Hazlitt on, 142.
Thoreau, Henry David, member of the New England group of authors, 75, 76.
Thou, Jacques Auguste de, binding made for, 100.
Title-page, problems of, 59.
Torrey, Joseph, on reading Dante, 109, 110.
Translations of "Don Quixote," 143, 144.
Tribute typography, 9-13, 136, 137.
Type, aims in its design, 5, 117, 118;
Chinese, 80;
contrast of, 16, 17;
"Exceptions to the rule of legibility," 130, 131, 135-138;
faults of German and French, 117;
in relation to the book beautiful, 57-59, 61;
page, 56, 57;
"Perversities of type," 152-161;
reform of, 118;
"Types and eyes: The prob