r: Second.
(A vote was taken on the motion, and it was carried unanimously.)
President Davidson: This gavel I should have called to your attention
before. It is called to your attention at the end of our program, and so
you know its story. The other one that has been used in our past
meetings was sent to me by Mr. Reed. It is "An Historical Gavel,
Northern Nut Growers Association." I understand from Mr. Reed that this
was a piece of wood sent to Mr. Littlepage and turned by him and made
into a gavel, and this little metallic name plate sunk in by Mr.
Littlepage, who is one of the very early members of our association. So
we have two historic gavels. Rather interesting, I think.
One other matter. The question has come up in view of the fact that the
next annual report will be larger than normal and also in view of the
fact that the membership dues have been raised to $3.00, whether it
should not be wise and fitting to charge $3.00 for the coming 1948
report instead of the old price of $2.
Mr. McDaniel: $2.00 is the current price for the last two issues of the
report to non-members. If that is allowed to continue the man who
purchases a report without becoming a member will get it for one-third
less than the members do.
President Davidson: What is your wish?
Mr. Weber: Mr. President, I say that they should not be given any more
preference than the members, so let them pay $3.00 like the rest of us.
I make it in the form of a motion.
A Member: Second.
President Davidson: Moved and seconded that the charge for the
forth-coming report of this Association be made $3.00 to non-members. Of
course, that report goes to all members, as you know. Are there any
remarks on this motion?
Mr. Slate: Mr. President, what about the matter of supplying reports to
libraries? In the past we supplied libraries at $1.00 a copy. I don't
know whether Mr. McDaniel has had any special requests.
Mr. McDaniel: I haven't had any orders from libraries during the past
President Davidson: Shall we make a difference for libraries? What is
your feeling?
Dr. MacDaniels: Mr. Chairman, if we have had a differential before I
think that might be continued. I will propose a motion that libraries be
allowed to purchase the proceedings for $2.00.
President Davidson: Do you make that in the form of an amendment?
Dr. MacDaniels: Yes.
Mr. Weber: I accept that amendment.
A Member: It meets the second's approval.