l growth
Bodily health suffers from spiritual neglect
With man the life of the body depends on the life of the spirit.
Reflex action of the emotions on the body functions
Child's body requires joy as much as food and air
The precepts which govern moral education and instruction.
Child expected to acquire virtues by imitation, instead
of development
Domination of the child's will the basis of education
It is the teacher who forms the child's mind. How he teaches.
Teacher's path beset with difficulties under the present system
Advanced experts prepare the schemata of instruction
Some outlines of "model lessons" used in the schools
Comparison of a "model lesson" for sense development with
the Montessori method
Experimental psychology, not speculative psychology, the
basis of Montessori teaching
False conceptions of the "art of the teacher" illustrated
by model lessons
Positive science makes its appearance in the schools
Discoveries of medicine: distortions and diseases
Science has not fulfilled its mission in its dealings with children.
Diseases of school children treated, causes left undisturbed
Discoveries of experimental psychology: overwork; nervous exhaustion
Science is confronted by a mass of unsolved problems.
Laws governing fatigue still unknown
Toxines produced by fatigue and their antitoxins
Joy in work the only preventative of fatigue
Real experimental science, which shall liberate the child,
not yet born
The organization of the psychical life begins with the
characteristic phenomenon of attention.
Incident which led Dr. Montessori to define her method
Psychical development is organized by the aid of external stimuli,
which may be determined experimentally.
Tendency to develop his latent powers exists in the child's nature
Environment should contain the means of auto-education
External stimuli may be determined in quality and quantity.
Educative material used should contain in itself the _control of error_
Quantity of material determined by the advent of
abstraction in pupil
Relation of stimuli to the age of the pupil
Material of development is necessary only as a starting point.
Corresponds to the terra firma from which the aeroplane takes
flight and to which it returns