Y, W.E.H., History of England, ii. 130, n. 3.
LE CLERK, i. 285.
LECTURES, teaching by, ii. 7; iv. 92.
LE DESPENCER, Lord, ii. 135, n. 2.
_Ledger, The_, iv. 22, n. 3.
LEE, Alderman, iii. 68, n. 3, 78, 79, n. 2.
LEE, Arthur, iii. 68, 76, 79, n. 2.
LEE, John (Jack Lee),
account of him, iii. 224, n. 1;
at the bar of the House of Commons, iii. 224;
on the duties of an advocate, ii. 48, n. 1.
LEECHMAN, Principal William,
account of him, v. 68, n. 4;
Johnson calls on him, v. 370;
writes on prayer, v. 68;
answered by Cumming, v. 101.
LEEDS, iii. 399, 400.
LEEDS, Duke of, verses on his marriage, iv. 14.
LEEDS, fifth Duke of,
member of the Literary Club, i. 479;
mentioned, ii. 34, n. 1.
LEEK, in Staffordshire, i. 37; iii. 136.
LE FLEMING, Bishop of Carlisle, i. 461, n. 4.
LE FLEMING, Sir Michael, i. 461, n. 4.
_Leeward_, i. 293.
LEGS, putting them out in company, iii. 54.
controversy with Clarke, v. 287;
on the derivation of languages, ii. 156;
mentioned, i. 137.
LEICESTER, iii. 4; iv. 402, n. 2.
LEICESTER, Robert Dudley, Earl of, v. 438.
LEICESTER, Mr. (Beauclerk's relation), iii. 420.
for intellectual improvement, ii. 219;
sickness from it, a disease to be dreaded, iv. 352.
LELAND, Counsellor, iii. 318.
LELAND, John, _Itinerary_, v. 445.
LELAND, Dr. Thomas,
_History of Ireland_, ii. 255; iii. 112;
Hurd, attacked by, iv. 47, n. 2;
Johnson's letters to him, i. 489, 518; ii. 2, n. 1;
mentioned, iii. 310.
LEMAN, Sir William, i. 174, n. 2.
LEMAN, Lake, iv. 350, n. 1.
LENDING MONEY, influence gained by it, ii. 167.
character by Mrs. Thrale, iv. 275, n. 2;
lived to a great age, ib., n. 3;
English version of Brumoy, publishes an, i. 345;
_Female Quixote_, i. 367;
Goldsmith advised to hiss her play, iv. 10;
Johnson cites her in his _Dictionary_, iv. 4, n. 3;
writes _Proposals_ for publishing her _Works_, ii. 289;
gives a supper in her honour, i. 255, n. 1;
_Shakespeare Illustrated_, i. 255;
superiority, her, iv. 275;
_Translation of Sully's Memoirs_, i. 309.
LEOD, v. 233.
LEONI, ----, the singer, iii. 21, n. 2.
_Leonidas_, v. 116.
LE ROY, Julien, ii. 390, 391.
LESLEY, John, _History of Scotland_, ii. 273.
LESLIE, Charles, the nonjuror, iv. 286, n. 3.
LESLIE, C. R., anecdote of the Countess of Corke, iv. 108, n. 4.
LESLIE, Professor, of Aberdeen, v. 92.