friends, list of, in 1752, i. 241;
friend, a most active, iv. 344;
_frisk_, his, i. 250;
frolic, his bitterness mistaken for, i. 73; iv. 304;
fruit, love of, iv. 353; v. 455, n. 3;
funeral, iv. 419, 439;
Garagantua, iii. 255;
garret in Gough Square, i. 328;
Garrick's success, moved by, i. 167, 216, n. 2; ii. 69;
gay and good-humoured, iii. 440, n. 1; iv. 101, n. 1;
'infinitely agreeable,' iv. 305, n. 1;
bland and gay, v. 398;
gay circles of life, pleased at mixing in the, ii. 321, 349;
_Gelaleddin_, describes himself in, iv. 195, n. 1;
general censure, dislikes, iv. 313;
_genius_, always in extremes, i. 468, n. 4; iii. 307, n. 2;
_Gentleman's Magazine_: see _Gentleman's Magazine_;
gentleness, iv. 101, n. 1, 183, n. 2;
want of it, v. 288;
gentlewoman in liquor, helps a, ii. 434;
gesticulating, averse to, iv. 322;
gestures, see JOHNSON, peculiarities;
ghost, like a, i. 6, n. 2; iii. 307; v. 73;
ghosts: see GHOSTS;
'Giant in his den,' i. 396;
gloomy cast of thought, i. 180;
God, love predominated over by fear of, iii. 339;
'saw God in clouds,' iii. 98;
Goldsmith, contests with, ii. 231;
envy, i. 414, n. 4;
_Haunch of Venison_, mentioned in, iii. 225, n. 2;
proposal to review a work by, v. 274:
Good Friday, would not look at a proof on, iii. 313:
see JOHNSON, fasting;
good-humour, iv. 245, n. 2; v. 132, 139;
'good-humoured fellow,' ii. 362; iii. 78;
goodnatured, but not good-humoured, ii. 362;
good in others seen by him, i. 161, n. 2;
good things of this life, loved the, iii. 310, n. 4;
good sayings, forgets his, iv. 179;
Gordon Riots, iii. 428-30;
gout due to abstinence, i. 103, n. 3:
see JOHNSON, health;
gown, Master of Arts, i. 347;
graces, valued the, iii. 54;
grandfather, could hardly tell who was his, ii. 261;
gratitude, i. 487;
grave, request about it, iv. 393, n. 3;
in Westminster Abbey, iv. 419;
close to Macpherson's, ii. 298, n. 2;
great, never courted the, iii. 189; iv. 116;
not courted by them, iv. 117, 326;
'greatest man in England next to Lord Mansfield,' ii. 336; v. 96;
Greek, knowledge of, i. 57, 70; iii. 90; iv. 8, n. 3, 384-5;
v. 458, n. 5;
_Greek Testament_, his large folio, ii. 189;
Green Room, in the, i. 201; iv. 7;
grief, bearing, iii. 136, n. 2, 137, n. 1;
Grosvenor Square, apartment in, iv. 72, n. 1;
gun, rashness i