of Literature and Authours_, i. 306.
_Dissertations on the History of Ireland_, i. 321.
_Dissertations on the Prophecies_, iv. 286.
DISTANCE, of time and of place, ii. 471.
DISTINCTIONS, all are trifles, iii. 355; love of them, i. 474.
_Distressed Mother_, Budgell's Epilogue_, i. 181;
really written by Addison, iii. 46;
Johnson's _Epilogue_, i. 55, n. 3.
DISTRUST, iii. 135.
_Diversions of Purley_, iii. 354, n. 2.
DIVES, ii. 162.
_Divine Legation_. See WARBURTON, W.
DIVINES, English, iv. 105, n. 3.
DIVORCES, iii. 347-8.
DIXEY, Sir Wolstan, i, 84.
DOBLE, Mr. C. E.,
on the authorship of the _Whole Duty of Man_, ii. 239, n. 4;
Psalmanazar at Christ Church, iii. 449.
_Dockers_, i. 379.
DOCKING, ii. 52.
DOCTOR, title of, i. 488, n. 3; ii. 373.
See JOHNSON, doctor, and DR. MEMIS.
DOCTOR IN DIVINITY, respect shown to a, ii. 124.
DOCTORS' COMMONS, i. 134, 462, n. 1.
_Doctrine of Grace_, Warburton's, v. 93.
DODD, Rev. Dr. William, account of him, iii. 139;
Allen's kindness to him, iii. 141;
Boswell's anxiety for his pardon, iii. 119;
canted all his life, iii. 270;
character, iii. 122, 166;
_currat lex_, iv. 207;
dedication to Rev. Mr. Villette, iii. 167, n. 1;
execution, iii. 120-1, 148;
forgery, guilty of, iii. 140;
Johnson, correspondence with, iii. 144-5, 147;
describes, iii. 140, n. 2;
writes for him _Convict's Address_, iii. 121, 141-2, 167, 295, n. 1;
_Last Solemn Declaration_, iii. 143;
_Observations_, iii. 120, n. 4, 142;
_Occasional Papers_ (conclusion), iii. 148;
petitions and letters, iii. 121, 142, 144;
and his speech to the Recorder, iii. 126, 141;
_Last Prayer_, iii. 270;
life, longing for, iii. 154;
Literary Club, tried to join the, iii. 280;
Magdalen House, chaplain at, iii. 139, n. 4;
mind concentrated, his, iii. 167;
Newgate, closely watched in, iii. 166;
petitions in his favour, ii. 90, n. 5; iii. 120, 143;
saint, not to be made a, iv. 208;
Sermons, his, iii. 248;
_Thoughts in Prison_, iii. 270;
'unfortunate,' iii. 120, n. 2;
Wesley visits him in prison, iii. 121, n. 3;
'wretched world, not a,' iii. 166;
mentioned, iii. 132.
DODD, Mrs., iii. 142.
DODDRIDGE, Dr., epigram by him, v. 271.
DODSLEY, James, i. 182; ii. 447.
DODSLEY, Robert, Cleans, acted, i. 324, n. 1, 325-6;
compared by Johnson with Otway, iv. 21;
'more blood than brains,' iv. 20;