OSWELL, Fancies.
FANCY, compared with reason, ii. 277.
_Fantoccini_, i. 414.
FARMER, Dr., Colman, criticised by, iv. 18;
_Essay on the Learning of Shakspeare_, iii. 38;
Johnson praises it, ib., n. 6;
letters to him, i. 368; ii. 114; iii. 427;
Percy, in his _Ancient Ballads_, helps, iii. 276, n. 2;
Steevens, friendship with, iii. 281, n. 3;
_Tristram Shandy_, despises, ii. 449, n. 3;
mentioned, iv. 141.
FARMERS, worthless fellows, often, iii. 353;
described by Wesley, ib., n. 5.
FARQUHAR, George, Johnson's opinion of his writings, iv. 7.
_See Beaux Stratagem_.
_Fashionable Lover_, v. 176.
FASTING, examined medically, ii. 476-7;
justified, ii. 352, n. 2;
peevishness caused by it, ii. 435:
See JOHNSON, fasting.
FAT MEN, iv. 213.
FATHER, control over his daughters in marriage, iii. 377;
not bound to tell of his children's faults, iii. 18.
_Father's Revenge, The_, iv. 246.
FAULDER, a bookseller, iv. 387, n. 1.
FAULKNER, G., Chesterfield's account of him, v. 44, n. 2;
Ireland drained by England, v. 44;
mimicked by Foote, ii. 154; v. 130;
mentioned, i. 321.
FAWKENER, Sir Everard, i. 181, n. 1.
FAWKES, Rev. Francis, i. 382.
FAVOUR, granting a, ii. 167.
FAVOURITE defined, i. 295, n. 1.
FEAR, Charles V's saying, ii. 81;
nothing left to fear when a man is bent on killing himself, ii. 229.
_Felixmarte of Hircania_, i. 49.
FELL, John, _Demoniacs_, v. 36, n. 3.
_Fellow_, ii. 362.
FENCING, v. 66.
FENELON, Archbishop, v. 175, n. 5, 311.
FENTON, Elijah, his advice to Gay, v. 60, n. 4;
Mariamne, i. 102, n. 2;
non-juror, a, ii. 321, n. 4.
FERGUSON, James, the self-taught philosopher, ii. 99; v. 149.
FERGUSON, James, a Scotch advocate, iii. 213, 214, n. 1.
FERGUSSON, Dr. Adam, account of him, v. 42;
mentioned, ii. 53, n. 1; v. 45.
FERGUSSON, Sir Adam, ii. 169.
FERMOR, Arabella, ii. 392, n. 8.
FERMOR, Mrs., the Abbess, ii. 392.
FERNE, Mr., v. 123-5.
FERNEY, i. 434; v. 14.
FERNS, Burke's pun on, iv. 73.
_Festivals and Fasts_, ii. 458.
FEUDAL ANTIQUITIES, ii. 202; iii. 414.
'FEUDAL GABBLE,' ii. 134, n. 4.
Boswell for, and Johnson against it, ii. 177-8; v. 106;
Johnson has the old feudal notions, iii. 177;
male succession, origin of, ii. 417, 419;
ridiculed by Smollett, v. 106, n. 3.
FICTION, small amount of real, iv. 236.
FIDDLERS, ii. 191.
FIDDLING, dangerous fascination, iii. 242