S, i. 428, n. 1.
FONDNESS, distinguished from kindness, iv. 154.
FONTAINEBLEAU, ii. 385, 394.
FONTANERIUS, Paulus Pelissonius (Pelisson), i. 90, n. 1.
FONTENELLE, 'Fontenellus, ni falior,' &c., ii. 125, n, 5;
Memoires, iii. 247;
Newton, on, ii. 74, n. 3;
_Panegyrick on Dr. Morin_, i. 150.
FONTENOY, Battle of, i. 355; iii. 8, n. 3.
FOOD, production of, ii. 102.
_Fool, The_, ii. 33.
FOOLS, Latin needful to a fool's completeness, i. 73, n. 3;
'let us be grave, here comes a fool,' i. 4;
spaniel and mule fools, v. 226.
FOOTE, Samuel, Baretti's trial, ii. 94;
Bedlam, visits, ii. 374;
'black broth,' ii. 215;
Burke, compared with, iv. 276;
Chesterfield, satire on, iv. 333;
conversation between wit and buffoonery, ii. 155;
_Cozeners, The_, iv. 333, n. 3;
death, fear of, ii. 106;
death, his, iii. 185, n. 1, 387, n. 4, 453;
Edinburgh, at, ii. 95, n. 2;
_Englishman in Paris_, ii. 395, n. 2;
'Foote, _quatenus_ Foote superior to all,' iii. 185
_Footeana_, iii. 185, n. 1;
Garrick's bust, iv. 224;
and the ghost of a halfpenny, iii. 264;
compared with, iii. 69, 183; v. 391;
George III at the Haymarket, iv. 13, n. 3;
Haymarket theatre, gets a patent for, iii. 97, n. 2;
'Hesiod' Cooke introduces him, v. 37;
humour not comedy but farce, ii. 95;
impartiality in lying, ii. 434;
incompressible, v. 391;
infidel, an, ii. 95;
Johnson and the French players, ii. 404;
intended to exhibit, ii. 95, 155, n. 2, 299;
in Paris, ii. 398, 403;
pleased against his will, iii. 69;
regret for his death, iii. 185, n. 1, 374, n. 4;
witticism, fathered on him, ii. 410, n. 1;
knowledge and reading, his, iii. 69;
Law-Lord, on a dull, iv. 178;
leg, loses a, ii. 95, n. 1, 155, n. 1; iii. 97, n. 2;
_depeditation_, v. 130;
_Life_ of him, by W. Cooke, iv. 437;
Macdonald, Sir A., should ridicule, v. 277;
making fools of his company, ii. 98;
mimic, not a good, ii. 154; iii. 69;
'Monboddo, an Elzevir Johnson,' ii. 189 n. 2; v. 74, n. 3;
Murphy and _The Rambler_, i. 356;
Murphy's account of a dinner at his house, i. 504;
_Nabob, The_, iii. 23, n. 1;
_Orators, The_, ii. 154, n. 3; v. 130, n. 2;
patent, sells his, iii. 97;
_Piety in Pattens_, ii. 48, n. 2;
rising in the world, ii. 155, n. 2;
small-beer and the black boy, iii. 70;
stories, his, dismissed from the mind, ii. 433, n. 2;
Townshend, Charles, surpassed by, ii. 222, n. 3;