my, Paris.
Feb. 5. On the question of reform.
Feb. 11. On the government's intention of proceeding by way of
Feb. 15. On the condition of Crete.
Feb. 27. Supports bill enabling Roman catholics to hold office of lord
lieutenant of Ireland.
March 18. Criticises provisions of the Reform bill.
March 20. On Church Rates Abolition bill.
March 21. Meeting of 278 liberal members; advises agreement to second
reading of Reform bill.
March 21. On bill to repeal the Ecclesiastical Titles Act.
March 25. Criticises Reform bill on second reading.
March 28. On England's share in the defence of the colonies.
April 4. On Mr. Disraeli's financial statement.
April 10. On abolition of religious tests at Oxford.
April 11, 12. Moves amendment making personal payment of rates not an
essential qualification for the franchise.
April 18. Letter to Mr. R. W. Crawford announcing intention not to attempt
further alteration in basis of borough franchise.
May 3. On right of public meeting in parks and open spaces.
May 7. On Irish church establishment.
May 9. On "compound householders."
May 11. Receives deputation from National Reform Union to express
confidence in his leadership.
May 13. On Scotch Reform bill.
May 16. Defends policy of reduction of national debt.
May 28. On inconsistency of the government on reform.
May 29. On Mr. Fawcett's Uniformity Act Amendment bill.
May 30. On penalties for corrupt practices at elections.
May 31. On late ministry's action regarding Queen's Universities, Ireland.
June 28. On representation of Ireland.
July 10. On Mr. H. A. Bruce's Education bill.
Aug. 1. On Irish railways.
Aug. 8. Opposes Lords' minority representation amendment to Reform bill.
Oct. "The Session and its Sequel" in _Edinburgh Review_.
Nov. 10. On Abyssinian campaign, protests against territorial
Nov. 26. On Abyssinian expedition.
Nov. 28. On financial proposals to meet expenses of Abyssinian war.
Dec. 18. At Oldham on national prosperity and the condition of Ireland.
Opens Mechanics' Institute at Werneth: on education. Distributes prizes to
science and art students, Oldham: on education, machinery, and foreign
Dec. 19. At Ormskirk on Reform bill. At Southport on Fenianism and the
condition of Ireland.
Jan. "Phoenicia and Greece" in _Quarterly_.
Feb. 3. At Hawarden on Sir Walter Scott.
Feb. 18. To deputation from Lo