| | 1 | | 2| | | | 3 |}commanding.
Eighteenth U. S. | | | | | | | | |}
Colored Infantry | | 1 | | 5| | 3| | 9 |}
Seventeenth U. S. | | | | | | | | |}
Colored Infantry | 7| 14 | 4| 64| | | 6| 78 |}
| | | | | | | | |
Twelfth U. S. | | | | | | | | |{Organized as the
Colored Infantry | 3| 10 | 3| 99| | | 6| 109 |{Second Colored
Thirteenth U. S. | | | | | | | | |{Brigade, Col.
Colored Infantry | 4| 51 | 4| 161| | 1| 8| 213 |{C. K. Thompson,
One Hundredth U.S. | | | | | | | | |{commanding.
Colored Infantry | | 12 | 5| 116| | | 5| 128 |{
| | | | | | | | |
Eighteenth Ohio | | | | | | | | |}Included in the
Infantry | 2| 9 | 2| 38| | 9| 4| 56 |}Provisional
Sixty-eighth | | | | | | | | |}Division,
Indiana Infantry | | 1 | | 7| | | | 8 |}A. C.,
Provisional | | | | | | | | |}Brigadier-
Division, A. C. | 1| 19 | 3| 74| | 33| 4| 126 |}General Cruft,
| | | | | | | | |}commanding.
Twentieth Indiana | | | | | | | | |
Battery | | | 2| 6| | | 2| 6 |Captain Osborn.
Aggregate |18| 124 | 23| 640| 2| 115|38| 879 |
| | | | | | | | 38 |
| | | | | | | -----|
Total | | | | | | | | 917 |
At the battle of Appomattox a division of picked Colored Troops (Gen.
Birney[107]) accomplished some most desperate and brilliant fighting,
and received the praise of the white troops who acted as their
From the day the Government put arms into the hands of Negro soldiers
to the last hour of the Slave-holders' Rebellion they rendered
effective aid in suppressing the rebellion and in saving the Union.
They fought a twofold battle--conquered the prejudices and fears of
the white people of the North and the swaggering insolence and lofty
confidence of the South.
As to the efficiency of Negroes as soldiers abundant testimony awaits