rederic. _The English Village Community._ Examined in its
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field system of husbandry. An essay in economic history. London, 1883.
(4) McGee, W. J. "The Seri Indians," _Bureau of American Ethnology 17th
Annual Report 1895-96._ Washington, 1898.
(5) Rivers, W. H. R. _The Todas._ London and New York, 1906.
(6) Jenks, Albert. _The Bontoc Igorot._ Manila, 1905.
(7) Stow, John. _A Survey of London._ Reprinted from the text of 1603
with introduction and notes by C. L. Kingsford. Oxford, 1908.
(8) Booth, Charles. _Life and Labour of the People in London_, 9 vols.
London and New York, 1892-97. 8 additional volumes, 1902.
(9) Kellogg, P. U., ed. _The Pittsburgh Survey._ Findings in 6 vols.
Russell Sage Foundation, New York, 1909-14.
(10) Woods, Robert. _The City Wilderness._ A settlement study, south end
of Boston. Boston, 1898. ----. _Americans in Process._ A settlement
study, north and west ends of Boston. Boston, 1902.
(11) Kenngott, G. F. _The Record of a City._ A social survey of Lowell,
Massachusetts. New York, 1912.
(12) Harrison, Shelby M., ed. _The Springfield Survey._ A study of
social conditions in an American city. Findings in 3 vols. Russell Sage
Foundation. New York, 1918.
(13) Roberts, Peter. _Anthracite Coal Communities._ A study of the
demography, the social, educational, and moral life of the anthracite
regions. New York and London, 1904.
(14) Williams, J. M. _An American Town._ A sociological study. New York,
(15) Wilson, Warren H. _Quaker Hill._ A sociological study. New York,
(16) Taylor, Graham R. _Satellite Cities._ A study of industrial
suburbs. New York and London, 1915.
(17) Lewis, Sinclair. _Main Street._ New York, 1920.
(18) Kobrin, Leon. _A Lithuanian Village._ Translated from the Yiddish
by Isaac Goldberg. New York, 1920.
A. _The Primitive Family_
1. The Natural History of Marriage:
(1) Bachofen, J. J. _Das Mutterrecht._ Eine Untersuchung ueber die
Gynaikokratie der alten Welt nach ihrer religioesen und rechtlichen
Natur. Stuttgart, 1861.
(2) Westermarck, E. _The History of Human Marriage._ London, 1891.
(3) McLennan, J. F. _Primitive Marriage._ An inquiry into the origin of
the form of capture in marriage ceremonies. Edinburgh, 1865.
(4) Tylor, E. B. "The Matriarchal Family System," _Nineteenth Century_,
XL (1896), 81-96.
(5) Dargun, L.