ization of Humanity," pp. 33-65, 480-82. (Vols. I-II
published.) London, 1908.
(7) Thomas, William I. "The Prussian-Polish Situation: an Experiment in
Assimilation," _American Journal of Sociology_, XIX (1913-14), 624-39.
(8) Parkman, Francis. _Conspiracy of Pontiac and the Indian Wars after
the Conquest of Canada._ 8th ed., 2 vols. Boston, 1877. [Discusses the
cultural effects of the mingling of French and Indians in Canada.]
(9) Moore, William H. _The Clash._ A study in nationalities. New York,
1919. [French and English cultural contacts in Canada.]
(10) Mayo-Smith, Richmond. "Assimilation of Nationalities in the United
States," _Political Science Quarterly_, IX (1894), 426-44, 649-70.
(11) Kelly, J. Liddell. "New Race in the Making; Many Nationalities in
the Territory of Hawaii--Process of Fusion Proceeding--the Coming
Pacific Race," _Westminster Review_, CLXXV (1911), 357-66.
(12) Kallen, H. M. _Structure of Lasting Peace._ An inquiry into the
motives of war and peace. Boston, 1918.
(13) Westermarck, Edward. "Finland and the Czar," _Contemporary Review_,
LXXV (1899), 652-59.
(14) Brandes, Georg. "Denmark and Germany," _Contemporary Review_, LXXVI
(1899), 92-104.
(15) Marvin, Francis S. _The Unity of Western Civilization._ Essays.
London and New York, 1915.
(16) Fishberg, Maurice. _The Jews: a Study in Race and Environment._
London and New York, 1911. [Chap. xxii deals with assimilation versus
(17) Bailey, W. F., and Bates, Jean V. "The Early German Settlers in
Transylvania," _Fortnightly Review_, CVII (1917), 661-74.
(18) Auerbach, Bertrand. _Les Races et les nationalites en
Autriche-Hongrie._ Paris, 1898.
(19) Cunningham, William. _Alien Immigrants to England._ London and New
York, 1897.
(20) Kaindl, Raimund Friedrich. _Geschichte der Deutschen in den
Karpathenlaendern._ Vol. I, "Geschichte der Deutschen in Galizien bis
1772." 3 vols. in 2. Gotha, 1907-11.
C. _Missions_
(1) Moore, Edward C. _The Spread of Christianity in the Modern World._
Chicago, 1919. [Bibliography.]
(2) World Missionary Conference. _Report of the World Missionary
Conference, 1910._ 9 vols. Chicago, 1910.
(3) Robinson, Charles H. _History of Christian Missions._ New York,
(4) Speer, Robert E. _Missions and Modern History._ A study of the
missionary aspects of some great movements of the nineteenth century. 2
vols. New York, 1904.
(5) Warneck, Gustav. _Outline of a History of Pr