._ "_The_ Agreement _of words_ is _their
similarity_ in person, number, gender, case, _mood, tense, or
form_."--_Brown's Inst._, p. 104. "_The_ Government _of words is that power
which one_ word has _over an other, to cause it to assume some particular
modification_."--_Ib._ "Fusion is _the converting of_ some solid substance
into a fluid by heat."--_G. B_. "A proper diphthong is _a diphthong in
which_ both the vowels are sounded together; as, _oi_ in _voice, ou_ in
_house_."--_Fisher cor._ "An improper diphthong is _a diphthong in which_
the sound of but one of the two vowels is heard; as, _eo_ in
"An adverb is _added_ to a verb to show how, or when, or where, or whether
or _not_, one is, does, or suffers."--_Buchanan cor._ "We must be immortal,
whether we will or _not_."--_Maturin cor._ "He cares not whether the world
was made for Caesar or _not_."--_A. Q. Rev. cor._ "I do not know whether
they are out or _not_."--_Byron cor._ "Whether it can be proved or _not_,
is not the thing."--_Bp. Butler cor._ "Whether he makes use of the means
commanded by God, or _not_."--_Id._ "Whether it pleases the world or _not_,
the care is taken."--_L'Estrange cor._ "How comes this to be never heard
of, nor in the least questioned, whether the Law was undoubtedly of Moses's
writing or _not_?"--_Tomline cor._ "Whether he be a sinner or _not_, I _do
not know_." Or, as the text is more literally translated by Campbell:
"Whether he be a sinner, I know not."--_Bible cor._ "Can I make men live,
whether they will or _not_?"--_Shak. cor._
"Can hearts not free, be _tried_ whether they serve
Willing or _not_, who will but what they must?"--_Milton cor._
"We need not, nor do _we_, confine the purposes of God." Or: "We need not,
_and_ do not, confine," &c.--_Bentley cor._ "I cannot by _any_ means allow
him that."--_Id._ "We must try whether or _not_ we _can_ increase the
attention by the help of the senses."--_Brightland cor._ "There is nothing
more admirable _or_ more useful."--_Tooke cor._ "And what in time to come
he can never be said to have done, he can never be supposed to do."--_R.
Johnson cor._ "No skill could obviate, no remedy dispel, the terrible
infection."--_Goldsmith cor._ "Prudery cannot be an indication _either_ of
sense _or_ of taste."--_Spurzheim cor._ "But _neither_ that scripture, nor
_any_ other, speaks of imperfe