l_ then
perceive how the designs of emphasis may be marred."--_Rush cor._ "I knew
it was Crab, and _went_ to the fellow that whips the dogs."--_Shak. cor._
"The youth _was consuming_ by a slow malady."--_Murray's Gram._, p. 64;
_Ingersoll's_, 45; _Fisk_, 82. "If all men thought, spoke, and wrote alike,
something resembling a perfect adjustment of these points _might_ be
accomplished."--_Wright cor._ "If you will replace what has been, _for a_
long _time_ expunged from the language." Or: "If you will replace what
_was_ long _ago_ expunged from the language."--_Campbell and Murray cor._
"As in all those faulty instances _which_ I have _just_ been giving."--_Dr.
Blair cor._ "This mood _is_ also used _improperly_ in the following
places."--_L. Murray cor._ "He seems to have been well acquainted with his
own genius, and to _have known_ what it was that nature had bestowed upon
him."--_Johnson cor._ "Of which I _have_ already _given_ one instance, the
worst indeed that occurred in the poem."--_Dr. Blair cor._ "It is strange
he never commanded you to _do_ it."--_Anon_. "History painters would have
found it difficult, to _invent_ such a species of beings."--_Addison cor._
"Universal Grammar cannot be taught abstractedly; it must be _explained_
with referenc [sic--KTH] to some language already known."--_Lowth cor._
"And we might imagine, that if verbs had been so contrived as simply to
express these, _no other tenses would have been_ needful."--_Dr. Blair
cor._ "To a writer of such a genius as _Dean Swift's_, the plain style _is_
most admirably fitted."--_Id._ "Please _to_ excuse my son's
absence."--_Inst._, p. 279. "Bid the boys come in immediately."--_Ib._
"Gives us the secrets of his pagan hell,
Where _restless ghosts_ in sad communion dwell."--_Crabbe cor._
"Alas! nor faith nor valour now _remains_;
Sighs are but wind, and I must bear my _chains_."--_Walpole cor._
"Of which the author considers himself, in compiling the present work, as
merely laying the foundation-stone."--_David Blair cor._ "On the raising
_of_ such lively and distinct images as are here described."--_Kames cor._
"They are necessary to the avoiding _of_ ambiguities."--_Brightland cor._
"There is no neglecting _of_ it without falling into a dangerous error." Or
better: "_None can neglect_ it without falling," &c.--_Burlamaqui cor._
"The contest resembles Don Quixote's fighting _of_ (or _with_)