Key_, p. 185. Or
better: "In _naming_ drugs _or_ plants, _to mistake_ a word, may endanger
life."--_L. Murray cor._ "In order to the carrying _of_ its several parts
into execution."--_Bp. Butler cor._ "His abhorrence _of_ the superstitious
figure."--_Priestley._ "Thy prejudice _against_ my cause."--_Id._ "Which is
found _in_ every species of liberty."--_Hume cor._ "In a hilly region _on_
the north of Jericho."--_Milman cor._ "Two or more singular nouns coupled
_by_ AND require a verb _or_ pronoun in the plural."--_Lennie cor._
"Books should to one of these four ends conduce,
_To_ wisdom, piety, delight, or use."--_Denham cor._
"The Anglo-Saxons, however, soon quarrelled _among_ themselves for
precedence."--_Const. Misc. cor._ "The distinctions _among_ the principal
parts of speech are founded in nature."--_Webster cor._ "I think I now
understand the difference between the active verbs and those _which are_
passive _or_ neuter."--_Ingersoll cor._ "Thus a figure including a space
_within_ three lines, is the real as well as nominal essence of a
triangle."--_Locke cor._ "We must distinguish between an imperfect phrase
_and_ a simple sentence, _and between a simple sentence_ and a compound
sentence."--_Lowth, Murray, et al., cor._ "The Jews are strictly forbidden
by their law to exercise usury _towards one an_ other."--_Sale cor._ "All
the writers have distinguished themselves among _themselves_."--_Addison
cor._ "This expression also better secures the systematic uniformity _of_
the three cases."--_Nutting cor._ "When two or more _infinitives_ or
clauses _are connected disjunctively as the subjects of an affirmation_,
the verb must be singular."--_Jaudon cor._ "Several nouns or pronouns
together in the same case, require a comma _after_ each; [except the last,
which must sometimes be followed by a greater point.]"--_David Blair cor._
"The difference between _one vowel and an other_ is produced by opening the
mouth differently, and placing the tongue in a different manner for
each."--_Churchill cor._ "Thus feet composed of syllables, being pronounced
with a sensible interval between _one foot and an other_, make a more
lively impression than can be made by a continued sound."--_Kames cor._
"The superlative degree implies a comparison, _sometimes_ between _two, but
generally among_ three or more."--_R. C. Smith cor._ "They are used to mark
a distinction _among_ several objec