for the future!
And then it does not seem to matter--no _harm_ is being said or done,
Gallio is generally an excellent person, and really "So-and-so" was
unnecessarily tiresome in raising the point; and then, again, one's
indolence bids one be quiet and vote neither way.
But every vote on the right side counts; it alters the balance of the
general feeling, and probably helps some one looking on,--some one who
never let out that they needed or cared for any help. "Right!" has a big
battle to fight, and you and I are soldiers, and must stand to our guns.
Have the courage to show that you like goodness. It makes a difference,
for no one ever tells an unkind story to a large-hearted woman, or a nasty
story to a nice-minded woman.
If they tell either to you, it means an intuitive perception that you
enjoy it,--you bring out that side of them; if there is no response in
you, that side of them goes to sleep while they are with you. You create
your world in your own image, and are responsible for what is said to you,
as well as for what you say.
II.--My second advice is: _Show your mother that you love her._ "In one's
whole life one can never have more than a single mother. You may think
this obvious.... You are a green gosling! I was at the same age as wise as
you, and yet never discovered this till it was too late."[3]
Your mother will plan for you to go out and enjoy yourselves, and she
probably will not say that she is left alone by this or that arrangement;
but _you_ must think for her and protest against it, and see that she gets
amusement, and is talked to.
I know girls who will leave their mother alone night after night, or sit
at home and never utter a word. _They_ do not think of it, and _she_ feels
left out. Even if she makes you go out, she will like your noticing and
thinking for her. I believe each daughter fails to realize in her own case
how much her mother values signs of the love which both know to be there.
You may say, "My mother does not like a fuss!"--Very likely. But there are
ways and ways.--I do not believe any older person is ever anything but
pleased when their little pleasures are seen to be a matter of real
consideration to a younger one. I have watched so many mothers now that I
see it, but I myself used to let my affection be taken for granted. I see
now how much more pleasure I might have given, and I would give anything
if _you_ would do what they say is impossible--_i.e._ profi