lumbia_, vessel commanded by Captain Kendrick, on cruise to Pacific,
212-213, 215; Gray in command of, 228, 268-269.
Columbia River, Meares searches for, 224; Vancouver misses, 235, 267-268;
Heceta quoted regarding, 235-236; Gray discovers and names, 236-238, 241,
268, 269; Broughton's trip up, 280.
Commander Islands, Bering expedition at, 37-45, 61; sea-otter found on,
67, 76.
Cook, Captain James, 19, 64 n., 78, 127, 128 n., 161, 168, 222, 226, 263,
264, 265; boyhood and youth of, 176-177; seaman on Newcastle coaler, 177;
enters Royal Navy, 178-180; before Quebec with Wolfe, 180; sent by Royal
Society on voyage to South Seas (1768-1771), 180-181; makes voyage round
the world, 181; starts on historic voyage of discovery and exploration,
181; John Ledyard's connection with expedition of, 181-182, 247; terms of
secret commission of, 182-183; Drake's "New Albion" sighted by, 184;
misses Straits of Fuca, 184-185; anchors at Nootka, 186; visits Kyak
Island, 189; in Prince William Sound, 190-191; explores Cook's Inlet,
191-192; sails along coast of Alaska to Cape Prince of Wales, and crosses
Bering Strait to Siberia, 193; verifies Bering's conclusions, 193-194;
explores Norton Sound, 195; stops at Oonalaska, 195-196; returns to
Sandwich Islands to winter, 196-197; friendly reception of, by Hawaiians,
197-199; sailors of, abuse hospitality of natives, 199-200; difficulties
of, over boat stolen by natives, 203; brave stand taken by, and death of,
203-205; authorities for, 209 n.; account of voyage of, leads to sending
out of Robert Gray, 211; Gray's work and its results compared with those
of, 239-240.
Cook's Inlet, sea-otter in, 66-67, 68, 69, 79; explored by Cook, 189-192;
Vancouver's survey of, 287-288; Russian fur traders' doings in, 326-327.
Coolidge, Davis, 214, 230.
Copper Island, 44, 97, 315.
Coquimbo, Drake at, 154.
Cortes, 133-134.
Coxe, William, cited, 61, 82, 105, 295.
Crowning of Drake by Indians, 164.
_Daedalus_, Vancouver's supply ship, 266, 282; seized by Sandwich
Islanders and two officers murdered, 284.
Da Gama, Vasco, 134.
Dall, cited, 11 n., 295.
Dartmouth College, courses for missionaries at, 244-245.
Davidson, Dr. George, x, 47 n., 162 n., 168, 290 n.
Davidson, George, member of Gray's second expedition, 230, 240, 241.
Dawson, cited, 290 n.
Dementieff, Abraham, 47-48.
Derby, John, 211, 229.
Derby Sound, 228.
Deshneff, explorer, vii, 296.