explorers, 183, 184 n., 239, 263, 264; Cook verifies conclusions of,
Bering Bay, 288.
Bering Island, 37-45, 97, 123-124, 300, 315.
Betshevin, Siberian merchant, 84, 87.
Bidarkas, fur hunters' boats, 67.
Billings, Joseph, 254, 258, 259-261.
Boit, John, 230.
Bolcheresk, capital of Kamchatka, 113-114; description of, 114;
Benyowsky's career at, 114-122.
Boston, interest at, in Gray's expeditions, 215-216, 229-230, 240-241.
"Bostons" (_Bostonnais_), Indians call all Americans, 210.
Brazil, Drake's lost sailors in, 152.
Bristol Bay, 193.
Broughton, Lieutenant, 266, 271, 279, 280, 281; _Voyage_ by, cited, 295 n.
Brown, Samuel, of Boston, 211, 229.
Brown, Dr. William, Ledyard travels with, 258-259.
Bulfinch, Charles, 211, 212; daughter of, named "Columbia," 240.
Bulfinch, Dr., of Boston, 211, 241.
Burney, _Voyages_ by, 295 n.
Burrard Inlet, 273.
Burroughs, John, cited, 72 n.
Bute Inlet, 274.
California, Drake's visit to, 160-165, 169-171; Vancouver's visit to,
281-282; Russian American Fur Company in, 315.
_California_, vessel for exploration, 174.
Callao, Drake sacks, 155-156.
Campbell, Dr., quoted, 172-173.
Cannibals, Cook's stay among, 187; on Portland Canal, 230.
Cape Adams, 280.
Cape Addington, 46.
Cape Disappointment, 224, 235, 267, 269, 279, 280.
Cape Douglas, 191.
Cape Elizabeth, 191.
Cape Flattery, 185, 223, 224, 235, 270.
Cape Foulweather, 184.
Cape Gregory, 184.
Cape Horn, Drake discovers, 153; Gray expedition rounds, 216-217.
Cape Khitroff, 41.
Cape Lookout, 219.
Cape Meares, 224.
Cape Perpetua, 184.
Cape Prince of Wales, 193, 208.
Captain Harbor, 300; Drusenin at, 89; Ledyard's arrival at, 250.
Carder, Peter, 152 n.
Cartier, Jacques, 272.
Caswell, Joshua, 230.
Catherine, Empress, 7.
Chaplin, Peter, 11 n.
_Chatham_, Lieutenant Broughton commands, in Vancouver cruise, 266.
Chesterfield Inlet, 174-175.
Chinook, Indian village, 281.
Chirikoff, Alexei, Bering's second in command, 11, 13, 18, 19, 20, 60;
cruise of, in the _St. Paul_, 45-53.
Christopher, Captain, 175.
_Christopher_, Drake's vessel, 147.
Christy, Silver Map of, 168.
Chukchee Indians, 5, 9, 193, 194, 318.
Clayoquot, Gray at, 227, 232-234.
Clerke, Captain, 181, 203, 206, 207, 208; death of, 209.
Cleveland, Captain, Boston trader, 295, 331-332.
Collectors of tribute, Cossack, 5, 107, 294-296, 299.