nt Edgecumbe, 46-47, 189, 331.
Mount Hood, 280.
Mount Olympus, 235.
Mount St. Elias, 26, 189.
Mueller, S., scientist, 12 n., 14 n.; cited, 32, 61, 295.
Murderers' Harbor, 222.
Naplavkof, conspirator, 334-335.
New Albion, Drake's, 164, 173, 182, 183, 184; Gray expedition off, 218;
Vancouver's expedition sights, 267; Vancouver takes possession of, 271.
New Archangel, modern Sitka, 314, 333.
New Zealand, explored by Cook, 181.
Nicholson, William, edits Benyowsky's memoirs, 128 n.
Nilow, governor of Kamchatka, 116-120.
Nombre de Dios, storehouse of New Spain, 140; Drake's raid, 141-142.
Nootka, Cook's vessels at, 186-189, 248; Gray at, 223-227, 232, 238;
Vancouver's conference with Spanish at, 276-279.
Nootka Indians, Cook visits, 185-189.
Nordenskjoeld, explorer, 209 n., 295 n.
Norfolk Sound. _See_ Sitka Sound.
Northeast Passage, the, 158-159, 172; Drake's conclusions regarding, 161;
Parliament offers reward for discovery of, 174; English agitation over,
174-175, 181; Cook's efforts to discover, 182-196; Captain Clerke decides
there is no, 209; Vancouver's attitude on question of, 265-266; Vancouver
proves the non-existence of, 275, 286-290; the Fuca legend concerning,
275 n.
_Northwest-America_, launching of, 223; seized by Spanish, 228.
Norton, Moses, 175.
Norton Sound, Cook explores, 195.
Nuchek Island, Baranof at, 322-324.
Nutting, Gray's astronomer, 214.
Ochotyn, Saxon exile, 123-124.
Ofzyn, Bering's lieutenant, 36, 38, 40.
Okhotsk, Bering's expedition at, 16.
Olympus, Mount, 235.
Olympus Range, 222-223, 268.
Oomnak Island, 84-85; sulphur at, 92; sea-otter on, 98; Korovin's
adventures at, 102-103; Medvedeff and crew massacred at, 104.
Oonalaska, otter-hunting headquarters, 69, 79, 82, 98; sulphur at, 92,
103; Korovin's experiences at, 98-101; Cook at, 195-196; Ledyard's visit
to, with Cook, 250-253.
_Oregon and California_, Greenhow's, 241.
_Oregon and Eldorado_, Bulfinch's, 241.
Oxenham, with Drake, 142.
_Pacha_, Drake's vessel, 141.
Pacific Company, 212. _See_ Astor.
Pallas, _Northern Settlements_ by, 295 n.
Palliser, Sir Hugh, 179.
Pareea, Hawaiian chief, 198, 203.
_Pelican_, Drake's vessel, 147, 148; renamed _Golden Hind_, 150.
Perpheela, Ledyard's guide, 249.
"Peso," defined, 154 n.
Peter the Great, 4-10; analogy between Cook and, 176.
Petroff, Ivan, cited, 105 n., 295.
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