men reap a fortune from, 63-64, 79; influence of, on exploration
of North Pacific, 65; description of, 65-66; methods of hunting the,
67-78; prices commanded for fur of, 76; figures of numbers killed, 79;
the early hunters of, 80-105; Cook's trade in, 187; Gray's bargain, 228.
Selkirk, Lord, 303.
Serdze Kamen, 12 n., 195.
Seymour, Henry, 243.
Shelikoff, Gregory Ivanovich, 303-306, 315.
Shelikoff, Natalie, 304.
Shevyrin, with Drusenin, 92-97.
Shields, English shipbuilder with Baranof, 325-326, 328.
Shumagin Islands, 30, 192.
Silva, Nuno, Drake's pilot, 159, 167 n.
Silver Map of the World, 168.
Simpson, _Voyage Round World_ by, 295 n.
Sitka, Indians massacre Russians at, 50 n., 307-310, 332; as capital of
Russian America, called Archangel Michael, 306; Russian American Fur
Company founds New Archangel on site of, 314, 333; Baranof's career at,
Sitka Sound, Chirikoff in, 46-52; sea-otter in, 66, 79; Vancouver ends
his explorations at, 289.
Snug Cove, 186, 276.
Society Islands, Cook's first visit to, 180-181; second visit, 182.
Solovieff, Cossack hunter, 105.
South Seas, Cook's voyage to, 180-181.
Spanberg, Martin, 11, 13, 14, 16, 18, 21.
Sparks, Jared, _Life of Ledyard_ by, 243 n., 262 n.
Staduchin, explorer, 296.
Stejneger, Dr. Leo, x, 41 n., 72 n., 295 n.
Steller, George William, 14 n., 20, 23, 25, 26-27, 30, 33, 38-40, 41, 42,
53-55, 60.
Steller's Arch, 39.
Stephanow, Hippolite, 108, 110, 125, 127.
Straits of Fuca, Cook's conclusion as to non-existence of, 185, 222, 264;
Gray sails near, 223; Gray explores, 227, 235, 269; Vancouver's arrival
at and exploration of, 268-270, 273-275.
Straits of Magellan, 135; Drake's passage of, 150.
Sulphur at Oonalaska, 92, 103.
Sunday Harbor, 325.
_Swan_, Drake's vessel, 140, 141, 147.
_Taboo_, the, 198.
Tarapaca, Drake calls at, 154-155.
Terreeoboo, King, 197-206.
Texeira, map-maker, 6 n.
Three Saints, Kadiak, Baranof's arrival at, 321-322.
Tillamook Bay, _Lady Washington_ in, 219-222.
Toledo, Don Francisco de, 155-156.
Treat, fur trader in Gray's expedition, 214.
Tribute collectors, Cossack, 5, 107, 114, 294-296, 299.
Ukamok (Foggy Island), 29.
Valdes, Don, 272-273.
Valparaiso, Drake's raid on, 153-154.
Vancouver, George, vii, 105, 161; midshipman with Cook, 181, 198;
authority on Cook's voyage, 209 n.; meeting with Gray, 235, 268-270; Gray