ngorum omnium hucusque cognitorum; P. A. Saccardo. Vol. V.
Padua, 1887.
(Contains descriptions of all European Agarics up to date of
publication. Later discoveries are contained in various supplements.
Written in Latin.)
Rysslands, Finlands och den Skandinaviska halfoens Hattsvampar; P. A.
Karsten. Helsingfors, 1879.
(Descriptions of Russian, Finnish and Scandinavian Agarics, in Swedish.
It is in this work where Fries' subgenera, as Amanita, etc. are first
raised to specific rank. Written in Swedish.)
Die Pilze Deutschlands, Oesterreichs und der Schweiz; Georg Winter.
Leipzig, 1884.
(This forms the first volume of Rabenhorst's 'Kryptogamen-Flora von
Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz,' and contains along with other
fungi, descriptions of the Agarics of Germany, Austria and Switzerland,
in German.)
Flore Mycologique de la France et des Pays limitrophes; Lucien Quelet.
Paris, 1888.
(This is undoubtedly the best and latest work containing detailed
descriptions of the Basidiomycetes of Central and Western Europe. The
systematic arrangement is new and somewhat perplexing, and the index is
a terror. Written in French.)
Illustrations of British Fungi; M. C. Cooke. London, 1881-1891.
(This is by far the most important, and at the same time the most
comprehensive series of coloured figures of Agarics ever published in
any country, including 1199 plates.)
Handbook of British Fungi; M. C. Cooke. London, 1883.
(This work is a second edition of Cooke's 'Handbook of British Fungi,'
London, 1871, and contains descriptions of all the figures given in the
'Illustrations of British Fungi.')
British Fungus-Flora; Geo. Massee. 4 vols. London, 1892-1895.
(The first three volumes include all the British Agarics up to date of
publication. In addition to a diagnosis of each species, critical notes
by Fries, Berkeley, Cooke and other mycologists are appended.)
Les Hymenomycetes, ou description de tous les Champignons (Fungi) qui
croissent en France; C. C. Gillet. Alencon, 1874-1902.
(Contains descriptions of all known French Hymenomycetes, illustrated by
1907 coloured plates, 8vo. In French.)
Figures peintes de Champignons de la France; L. Lucand, 1884-1889.
(A series of beautifully executed figures, mostly Agarics, on 425 plates
4to size. The number of copies was in the first instance very limited,
and prepared only for subscribers. No descriptive text; names an