Let me then entreat, Sir, to know what quantity of flour, beef, and
pork, both fresh and salted, and what quantity of hay and Indian corn,
or other forage, can be delivered by the State of Virginia, at what
places, and by what times. I shall also be happy to be informed, where
the tobacco required of your State is deposited, that I may take
proper measures for the disposal of it.
With all possible respect, &c.
* * * * *
Office of Finance, Philadelphia, }
August 26th, 1781. }
My former letters advised you of the sundry bills I had drawn on you
to the 2d day of this month, being numbered from one to one hundred
and thirtyone inclusive, and amounting to five hundred and twentyone
thousand, six hundred and thirtyfour livres, sixteen sous, and eight
dernier tournois, as you will perceive by a copy of a list of said
bills, herein enclosed. To which you will find added the list of
sundry bills drawn on the 10th instant, numbered one hundred and
thirtytwo to one hundred and fiftyeight inclusive, all at sixty days'
sight, in favor of Mr Haym Solomans, amounting to two hundred and one
thousand, three hundred and twentythree livres, eight sous tournois.
On the 8th of this month I had occasion to visit his Excellency
General Washington at camp, and at my departure I left these bills
signed. They were sold during my absence, and I pray that they may be
duly honored. You will be enabled to pay these punctually, as his
Excellency the Minister Plenipotentiary of France has engaged, that
five hundred thousand livres tournois, should be placed with you for
that purpose; of course you will have received one million of livres,
subject to my drafts, and I shall continue to pass them on you as
occasion may require.
On the 17th of July last, I drew one hill on you at sixty days, in
favor of Robert Smith, or order, for five hundred thousand livres, but
that bill is either sunk, or has fallen into the enemy's hands,
therefore should it ever appear it must be refused as a fraud.
I have the honor to be, &c.
* * * * *