I cannot avoid expressing my sentiments on the subject in all the
warmth with which they flow from my heart. I hope and pray that the
facts, which I have stated, may meet that calm attention, which is due
to their importance, and that such measures may be taken as shall
redound to the honor and interest of our country.
With all possible respect, I have the honor to be, &c.
* * * * *
Office of Finance, November 2d, 1781.
Your favor of the 17th of September last has been delivered to me by
your Aid, Captain Pierce. Your recommendations and his own character,
give him a double title to every mark of attention.
I hope it is unnecessary to make assurances of my disposition to
render your situation both easy and respectable. I am sure it is
unnecessary to remark, how inadequate the provisions have been, which
the States have hitherto made. At least, it is unnecessary to you.
Much less need I display the detail of expenditures, which have been
requisite for the accomplishment of that happy event, which has taken
place in Virginia.
I have neither forgotten nor neglected your department. I have done
the utmost to provide clothing, arms, accoutrements, medicines,
hospital stores, &c.; and I flatter myself that you will, through the
different departments, receive both benefit and relief from my
exertions. I have detained Captain Pierce a day, in order to make up
with infinite difficulty, one thousand pounds Pennsylvania currency in
gold, which he is the bearer of, and which will, I hope, be agreeable
and useful. You have done so much with so little, that my wishes to
increase your activity have every possible stimulus. I hope soon to
hear that you have gathered fresh laurels; and that you may wear them
as long and as happily as they have been speedily and worthily
acquired, is the earnest wish of yours, &c.
* * * * *
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