out Shelton's tongue and beat on him to make it look like he'd
resisted interrogation. When that was over, the phony troopers took
him to a judge, who sentenced him to you. The rest you know."
Cortin didn't even try to hide her cold anger. "I'll need more
details, of course, but that's enough to let me get started. Did you
happen to check on whether he was given the Sacraments?"
"Sorry, that didn't occur to me." Medart sent a quick thought. *Were
*By the Brotherhood?* Shelton's thought was bitter. *No, and I need
them--if you'll help me with Confession?*
"I'm Omnist, not Catholic," Medart cautioned aloud. "I'll relay if you
want, though, and anything you say will be treated as Empire Secret."
*Please.* Shelton's thought held a trace of wan humor. *You have some
of my memories; why should I mind you reporting some of my sins?*
Medart managed a chuckle. "Put that way, no reason."
* * * * *
"Ego te absolvo in nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen."
"Amen," Medart relayed. "He'd like Communion, but without a tongue,
he's not sure he can manage." He paused, grinned. "We may be able to
help there, too, unless you've developed regrowth techniques."
"Spiritual Communion is as effective as physical," Cortin reminded the
penitent, "though I admit it doesn't feel the same." She turned to the
Ranger. "We don't have regrowth, no, but I do seem to remember hearing
something about it. Only as a rumor, though."
"It's quite real. We learned it from the Traiti, and the Lindner's
doctors are trained in the procedures. Initiating it will only take a
few hours, but the regrowth itself usually takes a couple of weeks."
"A couple of weeks shouldn't matter, and since it's possible, it should
be part of his restitution. What will such treatment cost?"
"No charge," Medart said. "Civilians can be treated at military
facilities if there's space and what they need isn't otherwise
available, both of which are true here." He turned to the Sandeman.
"Take him up to the ship when Colonel Cortin's done, please."
"Yes, sir."
"I'd suggest," Cortin said, "that you bring a few extra bodyguards when
you come back, Lieutenant. I learned from an earlier prisoner that
Imperials are at the top of the Brotherhood's wipe list, and after the
way he helped me today, Ranger Medart will be a particular target."
Medart frowned. "A Sandeman warrior's the only bodyguar