hburton, Lord, 46
Austin, Mr. Henry, letter to, 130
Austin, Mrs., letter to, 214
Author, dreams of an, 55;
penalties of an, 168
Babbage, Mr. Charles, letter to, 69
Bairr, Mrs., 146
Bath, a, abroad, 144;
at Naples, 155
"Battle of Life, The," the drama of, 87;
Dickens on, 102
Baylis, Mr., letter to, 212
Bear, Mr., 299
Beard, Mr., 9
Begging-letter Writers, Dickens on, 267
"Bentley's Miscellany," Dickens's connection with, 12
Benzon, Mrs., 199
Biliousness, an effect of, 87
Birmingham, meeting of Polytechnic Institution at, 64;
the Institute at, 158
Birthday greeting, a, 226
"Black and White," Fechter in Wilkie Collins's play of, 277
"Bleak House," 140
Blessington, the Countess of, 68;
letters to, 17, 65, 70, 74, 75, 89
Blue-stockings, Dickens on, 18
Boulogne, Dickens at, 140, 141, 161
Bouncer, Mrs., Miss Dickens's dog, 216, 255
Bowring, Sir John, letters to, 193, 295
Boy, the Magnetic, 18
Boyle, Miss Mary, 113;
letter to, 220
Braham, Mr., 1-3
Braham, Mrs., 3
Breakfast, a, aboard ship, 251
Broadstairs, description of, 53;
life at, 54, 125;
a wreck at, 129, 131
Brougham, Lord, 46
Browning, Mr. Robert, letter to, 227
Buckstone, Mr., letter to, 296
Bulwer, Sir Edward Lytton, letter to, 62;
and see Lytton, Sir Edward Bulwer, and Lytton, Lord
Butler, Mrs., 85
Calculation, a long, 43
Captain, a sea, 47
"Captives, The," Dickens's criticism on Lord Lytton's play of, 241
Carlyle, Mr. Thomas, 28
Carlyle, Mrs., 179
Celeste, Madame, 168
Cerjat, M. de, 148
Chapman, Mr. Edward, letters to, 14, 91
Chapman, Mr. Frederic, letter to, 294
Chappell, Mr. T., 277;
letter to, 279
Charity, a vote for a, 108
Cheri, Rose, 90
Children, Dickens on the death of, 170
"Child's History of England, A," 237
"Chimes, The," Dickens at work on, 71;
his interest in, 71
Chorley, Mr. Henry F., letters to, 190, 213, 216, 222, 231
Christening, a boisterous, 261
"Christmas Carol, The," Dickens at work on, 59, 63;
success of, 60
Christmas keeping, 60
_Chronicle, The Evening_, Dickens's connection with, 5
Clark, Mr. L. Gaylord, letter to, 19
Clark, Mr. W. Gaylord, 19
Clarke, Mrs. Cowden, 264;
and see Letters
Clifford, Hon. Mrs., 271
Cobden, Mr. Ric