, 260, 291;
letter to, 255
Fildes, Mr., 294
Fitzgerald, Mr. Percy, 228, 271
Forster, Mr. John, 9, 10, 13, 30, 35, 36, 39, 41, 54, 60, 86, 89, 101,
113, 117, 127, 133, 154, 188, 207, 227, 260, 292;
letters to, 165, 225
Forster, Mrs., letter to, 273
Fox, Mr. W. J., letter to, 84
Frith, R.A., Mr. W. P., letter to, 188
Funeral, the comic side of a, 48
Gad's Hill, descriptions of, 252, 256;
Dickens's writing-room at, 256;
Longfellow's visit to, 260;
and see 276
Gallenga, Monsieur, 192
"Gamp, Mrs.," 56
Gaskell, Mrs., 271;
letter to, 159
General Theatrical Fund, the, 88, 102, 296
Gibson, Mrs. Milner, letter to, 205
"Girlhood of Shakespeare's heroines, The," 124
Gladstone, Mr., 258, 294
Glasgow, 270
Gordon, Mrs., 87
"Great Expectations," 198
Greenwich, Dinner to Dickens at, 33
Grew, Mr. Frederick, letter to, 158
Grisi, Madame, 86
Guide Books, 140
Guild of Literature and Art, the, 120, 180;
theatricals in aid of, 118-128, 133-135
Hardisty, Mr., 111
Harley, Mr. J. P., 3, 4;
letter to, 13
Harness, Rev. W., 269, 291;
letter to, 159
Harrison, Mr. James Bower, letters to, 132, 136
Hat, a Leghorn, 157
Hazlett, Mr. William, 259
Higgins, Mr., 165, 166
Hillard, Mr., 42
Hills, Mr., 274
Hodgson, Dr., 97;
letters to, 93, 95
Hogarth, Mr., 2
Hogarth, George, 20;
letter to, 5
Hogarth, Georgina, 51, 154, 196, 210, 215, 219, 221, 228, 244, 256, 258
Hogarth, Mary, 6-9, 11, 20, 50
Hogarth, Mrs., letters to, 6, 20, 50
Holland House, 178
Home, thoughts of, 29;
a welcome to, 255
Hood, Mr. Tom, letter to, 43
House of Commons, the, Dickens's opinion of, 181, 194
Howe, Dr., 33, 37
Hugo, Victor, Dickens's opinion of, 91;
and see 283
Hullah, Mr. John, letters to, 1-3
Hunt, Mr. Leigh, 13, 95, 97-100, 259
Hyde Park, closing of, by the Government in 1869, 289
Ireland, Mr. Alexander; see Letters
Ireland, Dickens on, 279;
in 1869, 288;
land tenure in, 289
Irish Church, the, the Disestablishment of, 279
Irving, Mr. Washington, 47, 247;
letters to, 21, 27, 178
Italian patriots, Dickens on, 191
Italy, visions of holiday life in, 66;
proposed visit to, 66, 68;
Dickens in, 70-78, 145-158;
the Peschiere Palace at Genoa in, 153;