r servants but
as her children."]
[Footnote 304: "It is the maddest insolence, not only to dispute against
that which we see the universal Church believing, but also against what
we see her doing. For not only is the faith of the Church the rule of
our faith, but also her actions of ours, and her customs of that which
we ought to observe" (Morinus, _Comment. de Discipl. in administ.
Poenitentiae_, Preface).]
[Footnote 305: "Apud vos quodvis colere jus est Deum verum" (Tertullian,
_Apolog._ xxiv.).]
[Footnote 306: August. _de Civ. Dei_, xx. 19. 3.]
[Footnote 307: "Christianus nullius est hostis, nedum imperatoris, quem
... necesse est ut ... salvum velit cum toto Romano imperio quousque
saeculum stabit; tamdiu enim stabit" (Tert. _ad Scapulam_, 2). "Cum
caput illud orbis occiderit et [Greek: rhym] esse coeperit, quod
Sibyllae fore aiunt, quis dubitet venisse jam finem rebus humanis
orbique terrarum?" (Lactantius, _Inst. Div._ vii. 25). "Non prius veniet
Christus, quam regni Romani defectio fiat" (Ambrose _ad ep._ i. _ad
[Footnote 308: "There is nothing so voluntary as religion."]
[Footnote 309: "God does not want unwilling worship, nor does he require
a forced repentance."]
[Footnote 310: Athanas. i. 363 B and 384 C [Greek: mhe hanagkhazein
halla peithein] "not compulsion, but persuasion" (Chrysost. ii. 540 A
and C).]
[Footnote 311: "If the State of which we are the secular children passes
away, that of which we are spiritual children passes not. Has God gone
to sleep and let the house be destroyed, or let in the enemy through
want of watchfulness? Why fearest thou when earthly kingdoms fall?
Heaven is promised thee, that thou mightest not fall with them. The
works of God Himself shall pass: how much sooner the works of Romulus!
Let us not quail, my brethren: all earthly kingdoms must come to an
[Footnote 312: "The cry of the whole world is 'Christ.' The mind is
horrified in reviewing the ruins of our age. The Roman world is falling,
and yet our stiff neck is not bent. The barbarians' strength is in our
sins; the defeat of the Roman armies in our vices. We will not cut off
the occasions of the malady, that the malady may be healed. The world is
falling, but in us there is no falling off from sin" (St. Jerome, _ep.
35, ad Heliodorum_; _ep. 98, ad Gaudentium_).]
[Footnote 313: "None are better witnesses of the words of heaven than
we, on whom the end of the world has come. We assis