856 This remark is credited to Cromwell, but as Dr. Gardiner ("Hist.
Great Civil War," iii, 368, note) has pointed out, the story must be
accepted with caution as emanating from a royalist.
M429 The protection of parliament entrusted to the City in the absence of
857 Journal 40, fo. 272b; Journal House of Commons, v, 549.
858 Journal 40, fo. 275.
M430 Petition for control of city militia and custody of the Tower, 9
May, 1648.
859 Id., fos. 273, 273b, 274.
860 Journal House of Lords, x, 249, 252, 257, 260, 261.
861 Journal House of Commons, v, 555, 556.
862 Journal 40, fo. 274b.
863 Journal House of Commons, v, 560, 561.
M431 Parliament looks to the City for protection, 19 May, 1648.
864 Journal 40, fo. 275b.
M432 The City master of the situation.
M433 Determined to stand by parliament, 19 May.
865 Gardiner, "Hist. Great Civil War," iii, 377.
866 Journal 40, fo. 275b; Journal House of Lords, x, 272.
M434 Petition for release of Recorder and others, 23 May.
867 Journal 40, fos. 276b, 277; Journal House of Commons, v, 570;
Journal House of Lords, x, 276.
M435 A royalist rising in Kent, 21 May, 1648.
868 Journal 40, fo. 278.
M436 The royalist party in the city.
869 Journal 40, fos. 278b, 279.
870 Id., fo. 279b.
M437 An appeal for a Common Hall to be summoned refused, 3 June, 1648.
871 Journal 40, fos. 280-280b.
M438 The insurgents approaching London, 3 June, 1648.
M439 Impeachments abandoned and aldermen released from prison.
872 Journal 40, fo. 280b.
873 Journal House of Commons, v, 583-584; Journal House of Lords, x,
M440 Feeling in the city.
M441 The Common Council desire that the king may come to London, 22 June.
874 Journal 40, fo. 281. Four days later (26 June), when the draft
petition was read to the council, it was asked whether the clause
relating to his majesty coming to "some of his houses near the
parliament" represented the sense of the court, and it was decided
by show of hands that it was the sense of the court.--_Id._, fo.
875 Journal House of Commons, v, 613-614; Journal House of Lords, x,
347, 348, 349-350.
876 Journal 40, fo. 282b.
M442 Petition to parliament by officers of the trained bands, 5 July.
877 Journal House of Lords, x, 362-364; Journal 40, fos. 283b, 284, 285.