4, 45b.
M865 Election of Common Council, 10 June, 1690.
1703 Id., fo. 58; Luttrell, ii, 55.
1704 Repertory 95, fo. 137.
M866 Complaint made to parliament, 3 Dec., 1690.
M867 The matter allowed to drop, 11 Dec., 1690.
1705 Journal House of Commons, x, 492.
1706 On the 4th December the Court of Aldermen appointed a committee to
draw up a defence.--Repertory 95, fo. 201b.
1707 Journal House of Commons, x, 501, 503.
1708 Luttrell, ii, 141. The diarist ascribes the petition to Papist
influence and to "the hotspurs generally."
M868 The king sets out for Ireland, 4 June, 1690.
1709 Journal 51, fos. 48, 48b, 99b.
1710 Luttrell, ii, 50.
1711 Burnet, "Hist. of His Own Time," iv, 85.
1712 Repertory 95, fo. 141.
M869 The aid of the City called in against France, 7 July, 1690.
1713 Established in 1661 by Stat. 13 and 14 Chas. II, c. 3.
1714 Luttrell, ii, 72.
1715 Macaulay, chap. xv.
1716 Journal 51, fo. 103b.
1717 Repertory 95, fo. 151b.
1718 Journal 51, fos. 49, 102, 104b.
1719 Luttrell, ii, 75.
1720 Luttrell, ii, 80.
M870 A city loan of L100,000, 22 July, 1690.
1721 Journal 51, fo. 37; entered again, fo. 56.
M871 The queen returns thanks to the city, 15 August, 1690.
1722 Luttrell, ii, 90.
M872 The king's return from Ireland, Sept.
1723 Id., ii, 84.
1724 Id., ii, 102.
1725 Repertory 95, fo. 163.
1726 Luttrell, ii, 103.
1727 Journal 51, fos. 37b, 56b (duplicate entries); Luttrell, ii, 106.
M873 The king attends a congress at the Hague, 1691.
1728 Repertory 95, fo. 206; Luttrell, ii, 153.
1729 Id., ii, 208.
M874 Jacobite plots in England.
M875 The king again leaves for the continent, 2 May.
1730 On the 5th February, 1691, a proclamation was issued for the arrest
of the late Bishop of Ely, William Penn, and James Graham, for
complicity in Preston's Plot. Warrants were already out against
them, but they had hitherto evaded capture.--Journal 51, fo. 109b.
M876 City loans, 1691-1692.
1731 Journal 51, fos. 83, 113b.
1732 Id., fos. 77, 110.
1733 17 Sept., 1691.--Journal 51, fos. 98, 114.
1734 Id., fos. 116, 160, 187b, 240, 213b.
1735 Id., fos. 123, 123b, 166.
M877 Elections in Common Hall, 24 June, 1691.
1736 Journal 51, fo. 83b.
1737 By Act of Common Council, 15 June, 1694.
1738 Luttrell, ii, 250.
1739 Repertory 95, fo. 297b.
1740 Journal