Euston, Lord
Eyre, Mr.
Executions, Selwyn and
Fagniani, M.
Fagniani, Marchesa, mother of Mie Mie
Fagniani, Maria (and see Mie Mie)
Falkener, Sir Everard
Family compact
Fanshaw, Mr.
Farrington, Gen., of Kent
Faukener, Lady
Faukener, Mr.
Ferguson, Sir Adam
Ferrers, Washington, fifth Earl; Robert, sixth Earl
Fish, the, see Crawford
Fitzherbert, Mrs.
Fitzpatrick, Richard ("Richard, the Beau Richard"); at Quinze;
friendship with Fox; losses at Newmarket; returns from Jamaica;
in "The Diaboliad;" wins money at Brooks's; Pharo bank; in his
Pharo pulpit; horses taken from his coach; holds a gambling
bank; Fox as security for; the Beau Richard; at Brooks's; loses
at Hazard; at White's; with the King; elated at change of
ministry; provokes Selwyn
Fitzroy, Lady Caroline
Fitzwilliam, Lady
Fitzwilliam, second Earl
Fletcher, Mr.
Flood, Henry
Floyd, Lady Mary
Floyd, Miss
Foley, Thomas, second Baron
Foster, Lady
Fort St. John
Fox, Charles James, "Charles,"; chief of group; great qualities;
coalition with Lord North; friendship with Carlisle; gambling
debts; leader of Whig party; fortune destroyed; Selwyn advises
concerning debts; goes to Bath; suggested sueing of, by
Carlisle; money troubles, Selwyn's opinion of; women's opinion
of; frequent story of debts; friendship for Richard
Fitzpatrick; loses money at Newmarket; on the American
Question; in "The Diaboliad;" Selwyn and; speech on economy;
holds Pharo bank; Fitzpatrick with; Jews seize effects; his
furniture sold; enchanted with Pitt's speech; motion concerning
American war; auction at his house; gaming; and Selwyn; has a
cockpit; flattery of; speech; first figure in all places; loses
heavily at races; agreeableness of; Selwyn's admiration of his
talents; arrogance of; the new administration; as Secretary for
Foreign Affairs; takes a house in Pall Mall; coalition with
North; Selwyn, relations with
Fox, Henry Edward, youngest son of first Lord Holland
Fox, Henry Richard Vassall, third Baron Holland
Fox, Stephen, second Baron Holland, "Ste"
Franklin, Benjamin
Fraser, Mr.
Frederick the Great
French Revolution
Gainsborough; picture of Mie Mie by
Galloway, Earl of
Garlies, Lord, see Galloway
Garrick, David
Garrick, Mrs.
Gemm, Dr.
"George," see Howard, George, Lord Morpeth