Pompadour, Mme. De
Ponsonby, Mr.
Pontcarre, M. de
Porten (Portine), Sir Stanier
Portland, Duke of
Pottinger, Mr.
Powell, Mr.
Powis, Lady
Priestly, Dr.
Proby, Sir John
Public Advertiser
Queen (of England), see Charlotte, wife of George III.
Queensberry, William Douglas, third Earl of March, fourth Duke of
Queensberry, "Old Q"; character and life
Queensberry, fifth Duke of
Queensberry villa
Radcliffe, John
Raikes, Mr.
Ramsden, Sir J.
Raton, Selwyn's dog
Ravensworth, Lady
Ravensworth, Lord
Rawdon, Lord
Regency, English, question of
Regency, French
Reynolds, Sir Joshua; Selwyn's joke on
Rich, Sir R.
"Richard," see Fitzpatrick
Richards, Mr.
Richelieu, Marechal de
Richmond, Charles Lennox, second Duke of
Richmond, Duchess of
Richmond, Mr.
Richmond-on-Thames, a fashionable resort; Duke of York at; theatre
Ridley, Sir M.
Rigby, Right Hon. Richard
Robinson, John, Secretary to the Treasury; Selwyn on
Robinson, Mrs.
Rockingham, second Marquis of; party meeting at house of; Cabinet;
Thurloe's negotiations with; and Shelburne; and King; and
Carlisle; first Lord of the Treasury; formation of Ministry
Rohan, Cardinal de
Roncherolles, Mme. De
Rosslyn, Lord
Roxburghe, Duke of
Rutland, Duchess of
Rutland, fourth Duke of
Sackville, Viscount, see Lord George Germaine
St. John, Frederick
St. John, John; legacy from Lord Guildford
St. John, Henry; legacy from Lord Guildford
Salisbury, Bishop of
Salisbury, seventh Earl of
Sandwich, John George Montagu, fourth Earl of
"Sarah, Lady," see Bunbury
Sardinia, King of
Sawbridge, Mr.
Scott, General
Scott, Mr.
Seabright, Sir J.
Sefton, Lady
Selwin, Mr., banker in Paris
Selwyn, Albinia (afterwards Lady Sydney), Matson re-entailed on her
Selwyn family
Selwyn, George Augustus; importance in society, as wit, as beau,
man of fashion, bon mots, jokes fathered on, reputation; a type
of his time, life, ancestry, inheritance of social qualities,
Walpole's "famous George"; possession of Matson, description of
house; to remove gateway of Lantony Priory, schooldays,
sobriquet, holder of sinecure post, illness; recovery, at
Oxford, in Paris, harshly judged at college, no attempt to
renounce pleasure; attends Duchess of Bedford to Paris; member
of Parliament, appointed Paymaster of the Works; lif