ed by Adams of trying to injure him, 296.
Pickering, John, Adams's view of his impeachment, 36.
Pinckney, Thomas, Minister to England, 22.
Pinckney, Henry Laurens, reports on powers of Congress with regard to
slavery, 249;
attacks Adams for presenting petition from slaves, 274.
Plumer, William, supports Adams in Senate, 68.
Porter, Peter B., appointed Secretary of War at desire of Cabinet, 205.
Portugal, proposed mission of Adams to, 23, 24;
proposes an alliance with United States, 133, 134;
agrees to suppress slave trade, 138.
Preston, William C., threatens to hang abolitionists, 258.
Privateers in Monroe's administration, 108.
Prussia, mission of Adams to, 24;
treaty of commerce with, 24;
rejects English plan for suppression of slave trade, 138.
"Publicola" papers, 18.
Puritan traits in Adams, 7, 30;
in Adams's constituents, 247.
Quincy, John, great-grandfather of Adams, anecdote as to how Adams was
named after him, 1, 2.
Quincy, Josiah, refusal of Adams to run against for Congress, 66.
Randolph, John, his enmity compared by Adams to that of Clay, 153;
teller in election of 1824, 173;
on "Blifil and Black George," 183;
duel with Clay, 183;
hatred of Adams for, 210, 211;
his abuse of Adams, 211, 296.
Republican party, elects Jefferson, 25;
fair-minded proposal of Adams concerning its representation on council
in Massachusetts, 29;
thought by Adams to be planning attack on judiciary, 36;
favors France, 38;
anticipates Federalists of Boston in condemning Chesapeake affair, 51;
endeavors to win over Adams, 65, 68;
wishes to send him to Congress, 66.
Rhett, Robert Barnwell, offers resolution that Williams be chairman,
substitutes name of Adams, 293;
conducts him to chair, 293.
Robertson, John, opposes resolutions of censure, but condemns Adams, 276.
Romanzoff, Count, his friendliness with Adams, 71;
suggests Russian mediation in war of 1812, 74.
Rose, G. H., his fruitless mission to America after Chesapeake affair, 45.
Rush, Dr. Benjamin, approaches Adams on subject of foreign mission, 68.
Rush, Richard, appointed Secretary of Treasury, 177;
wishes appointment as minister to England, 205.
Russell, Jonathan, on peace commission, 76;
criticises Adams's drafts of documents, 82;
accused by Adams of trying to injure him, 296;
attitude of Adams toward, 297.
Russia, mission of Dana to, 13;
mission of Ada