e slaughter of the associates
of _Jovinus_, the second taking of _Triers_ by the _Franks_, and their war
with _Castinus_, in which this King was slain, are as a series of
successive things thus set down in order. _Extinctis Ducibus in Francis,
denuo Reges creantur ex eadem stirpe qua prius fuerant. Eodem tempore
Jovinus ornatus regios assumpsit. Constantinus fugam versus Italiam
dirigit; missis a Jovino Principe percussoribus super Mentio flumine,
capite truncatur. Multi nobilium jussu Jovini apud Avernis capti, & a
ducibus Honorii crudeliter interempti sunt. Trevirorum civitas, factione
unius ex senatoribus nomine Lucii, a Francis capta & incensa est.--Castinus
Domesticorum Comes expeditionem accipit contra Francos_, &c. Then returning
to speak of _Theudomir_, he adds: _Franci electum a se regem, sicut prius
fuerat, crinitum inquirentes diligenter ex genere Priami, Frigi &
Francionis, super se crearunt nomine Theudemerum filium Richemeris, qui in
hoc praelio quod supra memini, a Romanis interfectus est_; that is, in the
battle with _Castinus_'s army. Of his death _Gregory Turonensis_ makes this
further mention: _In consularibus legimus Theodemerem regem Francorum
filium Ricimeris quondam, & Ascilam matrem ejus, gladio interfectos_.
Upon this victory of the _Romans_, the _Franks_ and rebelling _Gauls_, who
in the time of _Theudomir_ were at war with one another, united to
strengthen themselves, as _Ordericus Vitalis_[1] thus mentions. _Cum Galli
prius contra Romanos rebellassent, Franci iis sociati sunt, & pariter
juncti, Ferramundum Sunonis ducis filium, sibi regem praefecerunt_.
_Prosper_ sets down the time; _Anno 25 Honorii, Pharamundus regnat in
Francia_. This, _Bucher_ well observes, refers to the end of the year 416,
or the beginning of the next year, dating the years of _Honorius_ from the
death of _Valentinian_; and argues well, that at this time _Pharamond_ was
not only King by the constitution of the _Franks_, but crowned also by the
consent of _Honorius_, and had a part of _Gallia_ assigned him by covenant.
And this might be the cause that _Roman_ writers reckoned him the first
King: which some not understanding, have reputed him the founder of this
kingdom by an army of the _Transrhenane Franks_. He might come with such an
army, but he succeeded _Theudomir_ by right of blood and consent of the
people. For the above cited passage of _Fredigarius_, _Extinctis Ducibus,
in Francis denuo Reges creantur ex eadem st