aim to the throne of
Portugal. One was hanged, and the other died in the galleys. Vide
_Le Quien's Histoire Generale de Portugal_.--There are two tracts
which appear to regard the last of these impostors, and which may
have furnished our author with some slight hints; namely, "The true
History of the late and lamentable Adventures of Don Sebastian,
King of Portugal, after his imprisonment at Naples until this
present day, being now in Spain, at San Lucar de Barrameda.--1602;"
and, "A continuation of the lamentable and admirable Adventures of
Don Sebastian, King of Portugal, with a Declaration of all his time
employed since the Battle in Africk against the Infidels, 1578,
until this present year 1603. London, 1603." Both pieces are
reprinted in the Harleian Miscellany, Vols IV. and V.
2. The uncertainty of his fate is alluded to by Fletcher:
_Wittypate._ In what service have ye been, sir?
_Ruinous._ The first that fleshed me a soldier, sir,
Was that great battle at Alcazar, in Barbary,
Where the noble English Stukely fell, and where
The royal Portugal Sebastian ended
His untimely days.
_Wittypate._ Are you sure Sebastian died there?
_Ruinous._ Faith, sir, there was some other rumour hoped
Amongst us, that he, wounded, escaped, and touched
On his native shore again, where finding his country at home
More distressed by the invasion of the Spaniard
Than his loss abroad, forsook it, still supporting
A miserable and unfortunate life,
Which where he ended is yet uncertain.
_Wit at several Weapons._
I have printed this quotation as I find it in the edition of 1778;
though I am unable to discover what pretensions it claims to be
arranged as blank verse.
3. _Toxica zelotypo dedit uxor maecha marito,
Nec satis ad mortem credidit esse datum.
Micuit argenti letalia pondera vivi;
Cogeret ut celerem vis geminata necem.
Dividat haec si quis, faciunt discreta venenum:
Antidotum sumet, qui sociata bibet.
Ergo inter sese dum noxia pocula certant,
Cessit letalis noxa salutiferae.
Protinus et vacuos alvi petiere recessus
Lubrica dejectis qua via nota cibis.
Quam pia cura deum! prodest crudelior uxor,
Et quum fata volunt, bina venena juvant._