er, or to any other place to which I shall be invited.
As I write to Charlotte I have nothing more to add, after compliments to
all friends, than that I am
Wholly your's,
MUNICH, NOV. 10--21.
I have heard, with a great deal of surprise, that you have thought fit to
throw out some menacing expressions against me.
I should have been very glad that you had thought I had punishment enough
in my own mind for the wrongs I have done to the most excellent of women;
and that it had been possible for two persons, so ardently joining in one
love, (especially as I was desirous to the utmost of my power, to repair
those wrongs,) to have lived, if not on amicable terms, in such a way as
not to put either to the pain of hearing of threatenings thrown out in
absence, which either ought to be despised for, if he had not spirit to
take notice of them.
Now, Sir, if what I have heard be owing only to warmth of temper, or to
sudden passion, while the loss of all other losses the most deplorable to
me was recent, I not only excuse, but commend you for it. But if you are
really determined to meet me on any other account, [which, I own to you,
is not however what I wish,] it would be very blamable, and very unworthy
of the character I desire to maintain, as well with you as with every
other gentleman, to give you a difficulty in doing it.
Being uncertain when this letter may meet you, I shall set out to-morrow
for Vienna; where any letter directed to the post-house in the city, or
to Baron Windisgrat's (at the Favorita) to whom I have commendations,
will come to hand.
Mean time, believing you to be a man too generous to make a wrong
construction of what I am going to declare, and knowing the value which
the dearest of all creatures had for you, and your relation to her, I
will not scruple to assure you, that the most acceptable return will be,
that Colonel Morden chooses to be upon an amicable, rather than upon any
other footing, with
His sincere admirer, and humble servant,
LINTZ, | NOV. 28.
| DEC. 9.
I am now on my way to Trent, in order to meet Colonel Morden, in
pursuance of his answer to my letter enclosed in my last. I had been
at Presburgh, and had intended to visit some other cities of Hungary:
but having obliged myself to return first to