with this substance. That the coloring properties of this dye
are to be chiefly ascribed to the pyrogallic acid, which can be found by
treating the mass with water, may be with certainty assumed.
Powdered litharge, 2 lbs.
Quicklime, 1/2 lb.
Calcined magnesia, 1/2 lb.
Slake the lime, using as little water as possible to make it
disintegrate, then mix the whole by a sieve.
Slaked lime, 3 lbs.
White lead in powder, 2 lbs.
Litharge, 1 lb.
Mix by sifting, bottle, and well cork.
_Directions_ to be sold with the above.--"Mix the powder with enough
water to form a thick creamy fluid; with the aid of a small brush;
completely cover the hair to be dyed with this mixture; to dye a light
brown, allow it to remain on the hair four hours; dark brown, eight
hours; black, twelve hours. As the dye does not act unless it is moist,
it is necessary to keep it so by wearing an oiled silk, india-rubber, or
other waterproof cap.
"After the hair is dyed, the refuse must be thoroughly washed from the
head with plain water; when dry, the hair must be oiled."
SIMPLE SILVER DYE. (_Otherwise "Vegetable Dye._")
Nitrate of silver, 1 oz.
Rose-water, 1 pint.
Before using this dye it is necessary to free the hair from grease by
washing it with soda or pearlash and water. The hair must be quite dry
prior to applying the dye, which is best laid on with an old
tooth-brush. This dye does not "strike" for several hours. It needs
scarcely be observed that its effects are more rapidly produced by
exposing the hair to sunshine and air.
Nitrate of silver, 1 oz., blue bottles.
Rose-water, 9 oz. "
_The mordant_.--Sulphuret of potassium, 1 oz., white bottles.
" Water, 8 oz. "
Nitrate of silver, 1 oz., blue bottles.
Water, 6 oz. "
_The mordant_.--Sulphuret of potassium, 1 oz., white bottles.
" Water, 6 oz. "
The mordant is to be applied to the hair first; when dry, the silver
Great care must be taken that the sulphuret is fresh made, or at least,
well preserved in closed bottles,