foreign policy," applied to system of tariff, 78.
American Government, elements of, 148;
principles of, in respect to suffrage, 539;
the people limit themselves, 540.
American Liberty, principles of, 536;
our inheritance of, 642.
American People, what they owe to republican principles, 66;
establish popular government, 132;
prepared for popular government, 132.
American Political Principles, summary of, 642.
American Revolution, commemorated by Bunker Hill Monument, 125;
survivors of, at Bunker Hill, 127;
character of state papers of, 130;
peculiar principle of, 142.
Amiens, Treaty of, remarks of Mr. Windham on, 622.
Ancestors, how we may commune with, 26.
Ancestry, our respect for, 26.
Annapolis, meeting at, concerning commerce, 115.
Antislavery Conventions, proceedings at, 635.
Appointing and removing power, speech on, 394.
Appropriations by Congress, shall be specific, 418.
Artisans, law prohibiting emigration of, from England, 91.
Arts and Science, progress of, in the United States, 648.
Ashburton, Lord, character of, 484;
cited 491;
letter to Mr. Webster on impressment, 659.
Astronomy, progress in, 648.
Attainder, bill of, provision on prohibition of, 19.
Attorney-General v. Cullum, in regard to charity for town of Bury St.
Edmunds, 527.
Austria, agent of United States respectfully received by, 684.
Austria and Russia, friendly to United States in 1781, 685.
Babylon, astronomers of, 340.
Bache, A.D., quoted, 528.
Bacon, Lord, 158.
Badger, G.E., of N. Carolina, 587;
voted against ceding New Mexico and California, 632.
Balance of Trade, doctrine of, 91.
Bank Charter, benefit of, to stockholders, 324;
first passed by Congress, 327.
Bank Credit, benefit of, in United States, 364;
evils arising from abuse of, 364.
Bank, National, Mr. Ewing's plan for a, 490.
Bank Notes, must be convertible into specie, 365.
Bank of England, resumes cash payments, 81.
Bank of United States, object of, 81;
charter vetoed, 321;
effect of the veto in Western country, 322;
time for renewal of charter, 323;
benefit of a charter to stockholders, 324;
foreigners as stockholders in, 325-327;
advantage of, in case of war, 327;
established, 328;
its conduct under Mr. Adams's administration, 434;
message of President Jackson in regard to, 434;
how affected by events of 1829, 435;
bill for re-charter passed by Co