ved from, 108.
Corporate Franchises, power of Legislature over, limited, 6.
Corporations, acts of Legislature, on Dartmouth College (1769), 2, 3;
royal prerogative to create, 5;
power of King over, limited by Legislature, 5;
power of Legislature to create, 5;
opinion of Lord Mansfield on rights of, 5;
divers sorts of, 6;
eleemosynary, nature of, defined, 6, 9;
power of, over property possessed by them, 6;
charter rights of visitors of, 7;
power of visitation over transferable, 7;
argument of Stillingfleet, 8;
rights of trustees object of legal protection, 11;
franchises granted to, 11;
concerning pecuniary benefit from, 11;
concerning private property, 12;
concerning grants of land to, 13;
right of trustees to elect officers, 16;
legislature, cannot repeal statutes creating private, 20;
extract from Justice Buller on government of, 21;
how charters of, may be altered or varied, 21;
possible dangers of independent government, 22.
Cotton, attempt to naturalize growth of, in France, 99;
how affected by tariff of 1824, 102;
proposed reduction of duty on, 243;
culture of, protected, 304;
how its cultivation affects slavery and the South, 608.
Cotton Manufactures, importance of, 101;
of England and United States, 103.
Crawford, Mr., opposing candidate to Mr. Adams, 581.
Credit System, and the Labor of the United States, remarks on, 449.
Credit System, benefit of, in United States, 364;
evils arising from abuse of, 364.
Criminal Law, its object, 198.
Cumberland Road Bill, approved, 415.
Currency, effect of paper issues to depreciate, 81;
paper, of England, effect on prices, 81;
the laboring man's interest in, 360;
experiment of exclusive specie, 362;
President's interference with, 433;
soundness of, 440;
derangement of, effect of, 442;
its restoration an object of revolution of 1840, 490.
Cushing, Thomas, delegate to Congress, 162.
Custom-house Bonds, act of 1800 in regard to, 383.
Dallas, Geo. M., proposition of, for a bank, 460.
Dane, Nathan, drafted Ordinance of 1787, 231.
Danemora, iron mines of, 105.
Dartmouth College, argument in case of, 1;
acts of Legislature affecting, 1, 3, 14, 15, 16, 18;
corporation of, (1769,) 2;
charter of, (1769,) is a contract, 22;
observation of Mr. Webster on opinion of court of N.H. concerning, 22;
incident connected with Mr. Webster's argument in case of, xxi.