e a thousand blisses And, at the ones beyond my power, vexed,
Abandoned in a furious desire, Leaving these charms for other charms that
fire, Possessing all and yet desiring Until, destroyed by excesses of
pleasure, Finding no words of love nor anything To express my fires
overflowing measure Than deepening sighs and obscure murmuring: Ah! Then
you think to read my inmost heart To find the love that can these signs
impart ....Be not deceived. These transports, amorous cries, These
kisses, tears, desires and heavy sighs, Of all the fire which devours me
Could less than even the lightest tokens be."
Evidently this same girl is the authoress of the two following letters
written by "Caton M . . . ." to Casanova in 1786.
12th April 1786. "You will infinitely oblige me if you will tell me to
whom you wrote such pretty things about me; apparently it is the Abbe Da
Ponte; but I would go to his house and, either he would prove that you
had written it or I would have the honor of telling him that he is the
most infamous traducer in the world. I think that the lovely picture
which you make of my future has not as much excuse as you may think, and,
in spite of your science, you deceive yourself.... But just now I will
inform you of all my wooers and you can judge for yourself by this
whether I deserve all the reproaches you made me in your last letter. It
is two years since I came to know the Count de K . . . ; I could have
loved him but I was too honest to be willing to satisfy his desires . . . .
Some months afterward, I came to know the Count de M . . . ; he was not
so handsome as K . . . , but he possessed every possible art for seducing
a girl; I did everything for him, but I never loved him as much as his
friend. In fine, to tell you all my giddinesses in a few words, I set
everything right again with K . . . . and got myself into a quarrel with
M . . . ., then I left K. . . . and returned to M . . . ., but at the
house of the latter there was always an officer who pleased me more than
both the two others and who sometimes conducted me to the house; then we
found ourselves at the house of a friend, and it is of this same officer
that I am ill. So, my dear friend, that is all. I do not seek to justify
my past conduct; on the contrary, I know well that I have acted badly....
I am much afflicted at being the cause of your remaining away from Venice
during the Carnival . . . . I hope to see you soon again and am, with
much love