e, Mass., 1912.
C. _Temperamental Differences_
1. Systematic Treatises:
(1) Fouillee, A. _Temperament et caractere selon les individus, les
sexes et les races._ Paris, 1895.
(2) Hirt, Eduard. _Die Temperamente, ihr Wesen, ihre Bedeutung, fuer das
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(3) Hoch, A., and Amsden, G. S. "A Guide to the Descriptive Study of
Personality," _Review of Neurology and Psychiatry_, (1913), pp. 577-87.
(4) Kraepelin, E. _Psychiatrie._ Ein Lehrbuch fuer Studierende und Aerzte.
Vol. IV, chap. xvi, pp. 1973-2116. 8th ed. 4 vols. Leipzig, 1909-15.
(5) Loewenfeld, L. _Ueber die geniale Geistesthaetigkeit mit besonderer
Beruecksichtigung des Genie's fuer bildende Kunst._ "Grenzfragen des
Nerven- und Seelenlebens," No. 21. Wiesbaden, 1903.
2. Temperamental Types:
(1) Lombroso, C. _The Man of Genius._ Translated from the Italian.
London and New York, 1891.
(2) ----. _L'uomo delinquente in rapporto all'antropologia, alla
giurisprudenza ed alle discipline carcerarie._ 3 vols. 5th ed. Torino,
(3) Goring, Charles. _The English Convict._ A statistical study. London,
(4) Wilmanns, Karl. _Psychopathologie des Landstreichers._ Leipzig,
(5) Downey, June E. "The Will Profile." A tentative scale for
measurement of the volitional pattern. _University of Wyoming Bulletin_,
Laramie, 1919.
(6) Pagnier, A. _Le vagabond._ Paris, 1910.
(7) Kowalewski, A. _Studien zur Psychologie der Pessimismus._
"Grenzfragen des Nerven- und Seelenlebens," No. 24. Wiesbaden, 1904.
D. _Sex Differences_
(1) Ellis, H. H. _Man and Woman._ A study of human secondary sexual
characters. 5th rev. ed. London and New York, 1914.
(2) Geddes, P., and Thomson, J. A. _The Evolution of Sex._ London, 1889.
(3) Thompson, Helen B. _The Mental Traits of Sex._ An experimental
investigation of the normal mind in men and women. Chicago, 1903.
(4) Montague, Helen, and Hollingworth, Leta S. "The Comparative
Variability of the Sexes at Birth," _American Journal of Sociology_, XX
(1914-15), 335-70.
(5) Thomas, W. I. _Sex and Society._ Chicago, 1907.
(6) Weidensall, C. J. _The Mentality of the Criminal Woman._ A
comparative study of the criminal woman, the working girl, and the
efficient working woman, in a series of mental and physical tests.
Baltimore, 1916.
(7) Hollingworth, Leta S. "Variability as Related