owth of
the Ottoman Empire" and "Decline of the Ottoman Empire," pp. 190-91.
London, 1894.
(6) Taine, H. _The Ancient Regime._ Translated from the French by John
Durand. New York, 1896.
(7) Wells, H. G. _Russia in the Shadows._ New York, 1921.
(8) Patrick, George T. W. _The Psychology of Social Reconstruction._
Chap. vi, "Our Centripetal Society," pp. 174-98. Boston, 1920.
(9) Ferrero, Guglielmo. "The Crisis of Western Civilization," _Atlantic
Monthly_, CXXV (1920), 700-712.
B. _Social Unrest_
(1) Brooks, John Graham. _The Social Unrest._ Studies in labor and
socialist movements. London, 1903.
(2) Fuller, Bampfylde. _Life and Human Nature._ Chap. ii, "Change," pp.
24-45. London, 1914.
(3) Wallas, Graham. _The Great Society._ A psychological analysis. Chap.
iv, "Disposition and Environment," pp. 57-68. New York, 1914. [Defines
"the baulked disposition," see also pp. 172-74.]
(4) Healy, William. _The Individual Delinquent._ A textbook of diagnosis
and prognosis for all concerned in understanding offenders. "Hypomania,
Constitutional Excitement," pp. 609-13. Boston, 1915.
(5) Janet, Pierre. _The Major Symptoms of Hysteria._ Fifteen lectures
given in the medical school of Harvard University. New York, 1907.
(6) Barr, Martin W., and Maloney, E. F. _Types of Mental Defectives._
"Idiot Savant," pp. 128-35. Philadelphia, 1920.
(7) Thomas, Edward. _Industry, Emotion and Unrest._ New York, 1920.
(8) Parker, Carleton H. _The Casual Laborer and Other Essays._ Chap. i,
"Toward Understanding Labor Unrest," pp. 27-59. New York, 1920.
(9) _The Cause of World Unrest._ With an introduction by the editor of
_The Morning Post_ (of London). New York, 1920.
(10) Ferrero, Guglielmo. _Ancient Rome and Modern America._ A
comparative study of morals and manners. New York, 1914.
(11) Veblen, Thorstein. "The Instinct of Workmanship and the Irksomeness
of Labor," _American Journal of Sociology_, IV (1898-99), 187-201.
(12) Lippmann, Walter. "Unrest," _New Republic_, XX (1919), 315-22.
(13) Tannenbaum, Frank. _The Labor Movement._ Its conservative functions
and social consequences. New York, 1921.
(14) Baker, Ray Stannard. _The New Industrial Unrest._ Its reason and
remedy. New York, 1920.
(15) MacCurdy, J. T. "Psychological Aspects of the Present Unrest,"
_Survey_, XLIII (1919-20), 665-68.
(16) Myers, Charles S. _Mind and Work._ The psychological factors in
industry and commerce. Chap. vi, "Industria