cago Strike
of June-July, 1894, by the United States Strike Commission._ Washington,
(7) Warne, Frank J. "The Anthracite Coal Strike," _Annals of the
American Academy_, XVII (1901), 15-52.
(8) Anthracite Coal Strike Commission, 1902-3. _Report to the President
on the Anthracite Coal Strike of May-October, 1902, by the Anthracite
Coal Strike Commission._ Washington, 1903.
(9) Hanford, Benjamin. _The Labor War in Colorado._ New York, 1904.
(10) Rastall, B. M. _The Labor History of the Cripple Creek District._ A
study in industrial evolution. Madison, Wis., 1908.
(11) United States Bureau of Labor. _Report on Strike at Bethlehem Steel
Works, South Bethlehem, Pennsylvania._ Prepared under the direction of
Charles P. Neill, commissioner of labor. Washington, 1910.
(12) Wright, Arnold. _Disturbed Dublin._ The story of the great strike
of 1913-14, with a description of the industries of the Irish Capital.
London, 1914.
(13) Seattle General Strike Committee. _The Seattle General Strike._ An
account of what happened in the Seattle labor movement, during the
general strike, February 6-11, 1919. Seattle, 1919.
(14) Interchurch World Movement. _Report on the Steel Strike of 1919._
New York, 1920.
(15) U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. _Report in Regard to the Strike of
Mine Workers in the Michigan Copper District._ Bulletin No. 139.
February 7, 1914.
(16) ----. _Strikes and Lockouts, 1881-1905._ Twenty-first annual
report, 1906.
(17) Foster, William Z. _The Great Steel Strike and Its Lessons._ New
York, 1920.
(18) Wolman, Leo. "The Boycott in American Trade Unions," _Johns Hopkins
University Studies in Historical and Political Science_, Vol. XXXIV.
Baltimore, 1916.
(19) Laidler, Harry W. _Boycotts and the Labor Struggle._ Economic and
legal aspects. With an introduction by Henry R. Seager. New York and
London, 1914.
(20) Hunter, Robert. _Violence and the Labour Movement._ New York, 1914.
4. Lynch Law and Lynching:
(1) Walling, W. E. "The Race War in the North," _Independent_, LXV
(July-Sept. 1908), 529-34.
(2) "The So-Called Race Riot at Springfield," by an Eye Witness.
_Charities_, XX (1908), 709-11.
(3) Seligmann, H. J. "Race War?" _New Republic_, XX (1919), 48-50. [The
Washington race riot.]
(4) Leonard, O. "The East St. Louis Pogrom," _Survey_, XXXVIII (1917),
(5) Sandburg, Carl. _The Chicago Race Riots, July, 1919._ New York,
(6) Chicago