rother Maffeo;
record of exemption from municipal penalty;
gives copy of book to T. de Cepoy;
marriage and daughters;
lawsuit with Paulo Girardo, proceeding regarding house property;
illness and last will;
probable date of death;
place of burial;
professed portraits of;
alleged wealth;
estimate of him and of his book;
true claims to glory;
faint indications of personality;
rare indications of humour;
absence of scientific notions;
geographical data in book;
his acquisition of languages, ignorance of Chinese, deficiencies in
Chinese notices;
historical notices;
allusions to Alexander;
incredulity about his stories;
contemporary recognition;
by T. de Cepoy, Friar Pipino;
J. d'Acqui, Giov. Villani, and P. d'Abano;
notice by John of Ypres;
borrowings in poem of Bauduin de Sebourc;
Chaucer and;
influence on geography, obstacles to its effect;
character of mediaeval cosmography;
Roger Bacon as geographer;
Arab maps;
Marino Sanudo's map;
Carta Catalana largely based on Polo's book;
increased appreciation of Polo's book;
confusions of nomenclature;
introduction of block-printing into Europe and Polo;
dictates his narrative;
found at Venice;
his age;
noticed and employed by Kublai;
grows in favour, many missions;
returns from one to India;
escapes from the Karaunas;
hears of breed of Bucephalus;
recovers from illness in hill climate;
hears from Zulficar about Salamander;
at Kan-chau;
brings home hair of yak;
and head and feet of musk deer;
witnesses events connected with Ahmad's death;
noticed in Chinese annals;
whether he had to do with Persian scheme of paper currency in;
sent by Khan into Western provinces;
governor of Yang-chau;
probable extent of his authority;
aids in constructing engines for siege of Siang-yang;
difficulties as to this statement;
on number of vessels on Great Kiang;
ignorant of Chinese;
on greatness of Kinsay;
his notes;
sent to inspect amount of revenue from Kinsay;
his great experience;
never in islands of Sea of Chin;
in kingdom of Chamba;
historical anecdotes;
detained five months in Sumatra, stockade party against wild people;
brings Brazil seed to Venice;
partakes of tree-flour (sago);
takes some to Venice;
in six kingdoms of Sumatra;
witnesses arrest for debt in Maabar;
his erroneous view of Arabian coast;