rb to show how, or whether or no, or when, or
where one is, does, or suffers."--_Buchanan's Syntax_, p. 62. "We must be
immortal, whether we will or no."--_Maturin's Sermons_, p. 33. "He cares
not whether the world was made for Caesar or no."--_American Quarterly
Review_. "I do not know whether they are out or no."--_Byron's Letters_.
"Whether it can be proved or no, is not the thing."--_Butler's Analogy_, p.
84. "Whether or no he makes use of the means commanded by God."--_Ib._,, p.
164. "Whether it pleases the world or no, the care is taken."--
_L'Estrange's Seneca_, p. 5. "How comes this to be never heard of nor in
the least questioned, whether the Law was undoubtedly of Moses's writing or
no?"--_Bp. Tomline's Evidences_, p. 44. "Whether he be a sinner or no, I
know not."--_John_, ix, 25. "Can I make men live, whether they will or
"Can hearts, not free, be try'd whether they serve
Willing or no, who will but what they must?"--_Milton, P. L._
"We need not, nor do not, confine the purposes of God."--_Bentley_. "I
cannot by no means allow him that."--_Idem_. "We must try whether or no we
cannot increase the Attention by the Help of the Senses."--_Brightland's
Gram._, p. 263. "There is nothing more admirable nor more useful."--_Horne
Tooke_, Vol. i, p. 20. "And what in no time to come he can never be said to
have done, he can never be supposed to do."--_Johnson's Gram. Com._, p.
345. "No skill could obviate, nor no remedy dispel, the terrible
infection."--_Goldsmith's Greece_, i, 114. "Prudery cannot be an indication
neither of sense nor of taste."--_Spurzheim, on Education_, p. 21. "But
that scripture, nor no other, speaks not of imperfect faith."--_Barclay's
Works_, i, 172. "But this scripture, nor none other, proves not that faith
was or is always accompanied with doubting."--_Ibid._ "The light of Christ
is not nor cannot be darkness."--_Ib._, p. 252. "Doth not the Scripture,
which cannot lie, give none of the saints this testimony?"--_Ib._, p. 379.
"Which do not continue, nor are not binding."--_Ib._, Vol. iii. p. 79. "It
not being perceived directly no more than the air."--_Campbell's Rhet._, p.
331. "Let's be no Stoics, nor no stocks, I pray."--_Shak., Shrew_. "Where
there is no marked nor peculiar character in the style."--_Blair's Rhet._,
p. 175. "There can be no rules laid down, nor no manner
recommended."--_Sheridan's Lect._, p. 163.