to partake thereof."
Convey greetings and respect from Abdul-Baha to the esteemed maid-servant
of God, ........, and say: "Thou art always in our midst and art not
forgotten, even for a moment. I beg the Beauty of Abha for confirmation in
thy behalf. It is some time since, by the dust of calamities and
occupation of mind, the correspondence hath been delayed; but there is no
harm in that. For my heart is engaged in prayer and I beg for confirmation
in thy behalf."
Convey on my behalf, greetings and respect to the invoking maid-servant of
God, ........, and say: "Thank thou God for thou hast arrived at the Holy
City and at the Heavenly Jerusalem and hast found thy way to the Divine
City and entered the Kingdom of Abha!"
O thou real friend! O Mr. ........! Seek not a single minute of rest and
do not keep still. Travel more and more in cities and villages. Bear the
glad-tidings and guide them. Strengthen the beloved (i.e., believers) and
open the eye of perception of the strangers (those who do not believe).
As to chanting supplications in the Oriental tune, this is very agreeable.
His honor ........ must exert his endeavors in this matter.
In reality the friends of God are always present in my society and are
associated with the friends of God in the Sacred Spot; even though they be
in the remotest lands of the earth.
O thou real friend! Such entertainments are always necessary, for they
cause the increase of love, unity and harmony in the friends of God. Bring
about (such entertainments) by all means.
"O thou esteemed maid-servant of the Word of God!..."
O thou esteemed maid-servant of the Word of God!
Praise be to God! upon thy departure from Acca, thou hast been assisted
and rendered successful in serving the Kingdom of God. Accordingly, thou
must offer the utmost thanks to the Threshold of Oneness, for this, thy
journey, was fruitful and this peregrination became the cause of
discovering the mysteries of the Lord of Glory.
Arise thou, in unison with his honor [thy husband], to serve with the
utmost devotion and consecrate your time, night and day, to promote the
Word of God, to diffuse the fragrances of God and to guide all the people
of the earth. In the world of existence nothing hath any result, even if
it be dominion over the East and West. But that which hath an immortal
result is servitude in the Holy Threshold, service rendered to the Kingdom
of God and guiding all in the earth. I h